imprial iranian AirForceWidoczność: Pokaz slajdów Mozaika Lista« Prev123Next » 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 Photo 1 of 28Komentarzy18 July 2013, 09:04Holger KranichNice pix, Shahram! 18 July 2013, 09:12Es-haq KhosraviThanks for sharing. It's interesting for you to know that 2nd and 4th photos are models made by Mr. Fariborz Shammas, a great iranian modeler! 18 July 2013, 09:18Burkhard DAn F-16 in Iranian markings goes oto my list 👍 18 July 2013, 09:25shahram hassanpour Autorthanks all frinds 18 July 2013, 09:36Mohammad AdlTanks shahram. jaleb bod, ehsas ghoror behemon dadi, mersi 🙂 18 July 2013, 18:08Wszystkie albumyWyświetl wszystkie albumy »