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Dirk Heyer (Vlat)

Beluga UWT-12

Photo 1 of 10


1 14 September 2013, 14:56
stefan natus
Weird looking thing,in the positive way.
 14 September 2013, 16:49
Dave Flitton
 14 September 2013, 16:56
Christian Meyerhoff
Strange, but nice as well.
 14 September 2013, 17:58
Mathias Carl
Looks interesting.
I´ll stay tuned 👍
 14 September 2013, 19:13
Luc B
cool, tuned in 👍
 15 September 2013, 09:35
Jan Goormans
🙂 🙂
 15 September 2013, 11:22
Mohammad Adl
very nice 🙂
 15 September 2013, 17:30
real creative - looks good
 15 September 2013, 17:34
Philip De Keyser
 15 September 2013, 17:50
Dirk Heyer Autor
Ready for gaming!
Was a lot of fun to built this Sci Fi Transporter and was a nice just for fun exercise for the next project.
 19 September 2013, 22:15
Tim Vereecke
awesome! 👍
 20 September 2013, 11:13
stefan natus
Nice,how did you tinted the glass?
 21 September 2013, 07:53
Dirk Heyer Autor
@ Stefan
Sprayed with Citadel Washes "Asurmen Blue" thinned with ordinary Spiritus!
Works well!
Colour is applied inside the canopy!
 21 September 2013, 12:24

Album info

Starting last Tuesday with a scratch built Submarine Vessel for our Tabletop Game "Alien Attack"
I used an Osprey 1/48 kit and several spareparts out of my stash.
The entire construction was very quick done and today I could spray the primer coat Zincchromate Yellow.
Greetz Dirk

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