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Barry Lloyd (Baz)

FV180 Combat Engineer Tractor

Photo 1 of 1


27 October 2013, 02:37
Burkhard D
Looks more like a lunar lander 😄
 27 October 2013, 07:17
Barry Lloyd Autor
That's true, or the moon buggy out of Tintin!
 27 October 2013, 08:49
Burkhard D
Excellent photos, by the way. Looks like you got there early in the morning 🙂
 27 October 2013, 21:44
Barry Lloyd Autor
Thanks! We did get there when it opened but there weren't many visitors so it was easy to get clear views. I have more photos I can post if they're useful. There was a Quad tractor With 25 pounder gun, and other WWII equipment, also a Russian truck and even a Lance missile!
 27 October 2013, 21:53

Album info

British Army FV180 Combat Engineer Tractor, being replaced by the Terrier in 2013.

1 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 Combat Engineer Tractor (CET) (Accurate Armour K052)

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