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Barry Lloyd (Baz)


Photo 1 of 30


7 November 2013, 22:34
Barry Lloyd Autor
The damage to the kit is worse than I thought - this could take some time to fix!
 7 November 2013, 22:43
Hi Barry, I'm looking forward to see your progress. I think it's great that you don't "sink" her in the trash can. good luck
 8 November 2013, 07:21
Barry Lloyd Autor
Hi Robert, it will be a challenge to get it looking decent. Hopefully some filler, sanding and describing will get her looking reasonable.
 8 November 2013, 09:49
Barry Lloyd Autor
I meant rescribing, damned spell checker!
 8 November 2013, 09:50
Heico van der Heide
Woow, looks like you've got some work to do! 😛
 8 November 2013, 10:13
Barry Lloyd Autor
Yep, should keep me busy!
 8 November 2013, 12:18
looking forward to see your progress...
 8 November 2013, 15:59
Hi Barry,
SMW Show brill at Telford this weekend - you would love it - as for ship build I see you using as many things as you can find to restore this kit - good effort - while you at it rub your tummy and pat your head at same time - ha
 12 November 2013, 00:36
Barry Lloyd Autor
Looking forward to see some photos from Telford. I think I'll be building the Yamato on a budget but wouldn't mind the stick-on decks. It's going quite well, I used the Revell filler, it's mighty powerful stuff! I bought some Vallejo filler yesterday, still to try. As for patting my head, I can't do two things at once, I'm a bloke! Anyway, back to the wet 'n dry paper, for some more rubbing down of those joints!
 12 November 2013, 18:54
Christian Bruer
Hi Barry, don't know if you'd like to use a PE set, but take a look to White Ensign Models PE and Correction Set (new resin funnels) for Trumpeters HMS Belfats kit! Looking forward to your progress on any ship model😉
 6 February 2014, 20:37
Barry Lloyd Autor
Thanks, I didn't realise there were aftermarket products already for the Trumpeter kit, I'll check these out!
 6 February 2014, 21:15
Christian Bruer
Flyhawk made a set as well
 6 February 2014, 21:19
Heico van der Heide
Things look nice. Very clean build. 👍
 7 February 2014, 08:37
Barry Lloyd Autor
Thanks Heico, I normally do armour but thought I'd have a go at ships - makes a nice change!
 7 February 2014, 09:57

Project info

30 zdjęć/zdjęcia
W trakcie
1:350 IJN Yamato (Tamiya 78014)

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