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Giuliano Gagliardi (Alemao)

MIG 29A - - Italeri (Slovakia Digital Camo)

Photo 1 of 7


1 17 January 2014, 15:23
awesome camo scheme!
 17 January 2014, 16:17
Giuliano Gagliardi Autor

thanks, was my first attempt ... and 1/72 scale, it gets complicated ..
 17 January 2014, 16:22
Erik Houghton
 17 January 2014, 16:29
Urban Gardini
Well, this took some maskin' to do mate! Love it! But then again I won't hesitate to mask Swedish splinter so this is just a matter of a bit more maskin' but it's tedious work is worth it in the end when we get results like this.
 17 January 2014, 18:07
Giuliano Gagliardi Autor

ha ha ha ...

actually of some work, but after taking the masks, worth much work
 17 January 2014, 18:18
Anthony Flanagan
👍 👍 👍
 17 January 2014, 19:08
Jose Miguel Rodriguez
 17 January 2014, 19:12
Es-haq Khosravi
Great Job!
 17 January 2014, 23:40

Project info

7 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 MiG-29 Fulcrum-A (Italeri 184)

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