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Ricardo Martins
Ricardo Martins

"The Day They Hit Sheffield..."


30 January 2014, 22:32
Steve Wilson
Great build Ricardo...
What is the significance of the two redlines the broad arched one with 225 and the thinner one from the destroyer???
Sorry but I'm a car man😄!!!
 30 January 2014, 22:37
Ricardo Martins Autor
Thanks for the comments Steve. And thanks for the questions ... There is no problem... I do appreciate the interest 🙂 From what I could find, Sheffield, on the day he was hit by an Argentine Exocet missile, was navigate the SW direction (and so I put the course of 225). This thick line tries to represent a small part of a compass. The thinnest line tries to recreate the trajectory and where the missile struck Sheffield. 🙂
Once again, thank you Steve 🙂
 30 January 2014, 22:50
 30 January 2014, 22:51
Stefan Suessemilch
Pretty cool idea Ricardo & a great build 👍
 30 January 2014, 23:48
Ricardo Martins Autor
Thanks for your comments Augie and Stefan 🙂
 31 January 2014, 00:14
Steve Wilson
Very interesting Ricardo...
Thanks very much, it does give the model a lot more creditbility and a story👍🙂
 31 January 2014, 07:41
neil kerr
I worked on the building and fitting of the Sheffield sea dart launcher
 31 January 2014, 18:18
Christian Bruer
Nicke build and interesting presentation. That represent her very well!
 31 January 2014, 18:22
neil kerr
And this is what we build now

 31 January 2014, 18:26
neil kerr
sorry not the Sheffield I was too young but her sister ship Manchester
 31 January 2014, 18:29
Sven Schönyan
Very interesting art of displaying
 31 January 2014, 19:09
Ricardo Martins Autor
Thanks for the comments and for following 🙂
 1 February 2014, 22:27
Ricardo Martins Autor
Astute submarines Neil? Luckily I managed to visit HMS Torbay during a passage of it here in Portugal 🙂 Outstanding 🙂
 1 February 2014, 22:30
neil kerr
Yes Ricardo, sadly we do not build surface vessels here anymore
 3 February 2014, 10:10
Holger Kranich
Great idea and build! Very unusual and cool done!
 3 February 2014, 12:17
Gabor Szabo
Beautiful! I like the water! 👍
 4 February 2014, 19:53
Very interesting diorama and excellent job with the photo etch parts.
 10 May 2015, 19:19

Project info

3 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:700 H.M.S. Sheffield (Dragon 7071)

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