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Christopher Bowling (Cbowling)



12 April 2014, 15:06
David Lengyel
Wonderful Stallion! One of my favorite helicopters around. Really great build, mate.
 12 April 2014, 15:09
Christopher Bowling Autor
Thank you David.
 12 April 2014, 15:48
Burkhard D
Beautiful and a very clean build. Nice photography, too. 👍👍👍
 12 April 2014, 17:57
Mohammad Adl
very nice Christopher well done 🙂 i like to build this model too, soon.
 12 April 2014, 18:38
Bill Spargo
Looks fantastic, I nearly bought this monster a year ago , but decided not to as I thought it would take up too much room. Seeing it built make me want one, love the exhaust pipe.
 13 April 2014, 06:03
Clifford Keesler
Nice, I just got the MH-53E.
 16 April 2014, 23:59

Album info

Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion 1/48 scale Academy.

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