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Christopher Bowling (Cbowling)



12 April 2014, 15:10
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
I love this build! Well done! 👍 👍
 12 April 2014, 15:23
Christopher Bowling Autor
Thank you
 12 April 2014, 15:47
Christian Lehmann
 12 April 2014, 15:49
Es-haq Khosravi
Well done!
 12 April 2014, 15:53
Christopher Bowling Autor
Thank you Es-haq
 12 April 2014, 15:56
Przemek Przybulewski
Nice one. Like it very much.
How big is the displaying base?
 12 April 2014, 16:17
Christopher Bowling Autor
I would say about 18"x18"
 12 April 2014, 16:23
Christian Ristits
Well done, great build!
 12 April 2014, 17:29
Murad ÖZER
Awesome build! 👍 I don't know how the academy kit was but i want to build a Kiowa at some point...
 12 April 2014, 19:13
Bill Spargo
What a great job, love the photo looking at the left side electronics with the engine cowling open
 13 April 2014, 05:59
Burkhard D
Man, I really like your build style and photography. Just the right level of detail and the bases are great, too. Thans for posting, very inspiring. 🙂
 13 April 2014, 08:07
Christopher Bowling Autor
Thanks everyone for the nice comments.
 13 April 2014, 15:44
Clifford Keesler
Great job,well done.
 16 April 2014, 23:41

Album info

Bell Helicopters OH-58D 1/35 scale Academy

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