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Kos Bar (kwstasb)

Su-27UB Ukraine

Photo 1 of 15


1 12 August 2014, 11:16
Holger Kranich
Wow, Kostas, very convincing build and paintjob!!
Are the missles on the wingtips Archers?
 12 August 2014, 11:27
Kos Bar Autor
yes my friend thank you for your kind words
 12 August 2014, 11:43
Holger Kranich
I just saw the stencil sheet... Have you used them all??? Terrific!
 12 August 2014, 11:50
Kos Bar Autor
I used those meant for the UB variant because there were stencils for various types of Su-27
 12 August 2014, 11:53
Very, very nice. Gary
 12 August 2014, 13:34
Martin K.
Wow, outstandig this Flanker. And a verry beautiful paintjob. Great job Kostas....
 12 August 2014, 13:44
Superb Kostas, what a beauty !
 12 August 2014, 16:02
e p
Job well done mate ! ; )
 12 August 2014, 19:40
Kos Bar Autor
Thank you all for your kind words! This was a plane I always wanted to build and I'm really happy it's finally in my display !
 12 August 2014, 21:34
Alan Rush
Congratulations on building a kit you have always wanted. Looks great and another fine addition to your albums. 👍
 12 August 2014, 23:55
Kos Bar Autor
Thank you Alan I'm glad you like it!
 13 August 2014, 07:36
Ulf Petersen
What a beauty - signed!👍
 13 August 2014, 08:48
Vorya hidaryan
Amazing paint job 👍
 13 August 2014, 09:46
Kos Bar Autor
Ulf and Vorya thank you very much!
 15 August 2014, 19:43
OOo excellent 🙂
 15 August 2014, 19:46
Kos Bar Autor
Thank you Augie!
 15 August 2014, 19:48
lau pascal
Very very sexy Flanker
 22 August 2014, 11:52
Luis Ferrer
Love the camo. scheme
 22 August 2014, 14:25

Project info

15 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 Sukhoi Su-27UB Flanker C (Academy 2140)1:48 Su-27UB (Eduard 48171)1:48 Su-27/Su-30 Flanker - Pitot Tube (Master AM-48-066)2+

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