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Joseph Johnson (Joe3571)

My Revell Tornado IDS

Photo 1 of 9


3 November 2014, 19:23
Andre Hoencher
Very good Toni 👍
 3 November 2014, 19:34
 3 November 2014, 19:40
Mats Bengtsson
Looking great.
 3 November 2014, 19:43
Joseph Johnson Autor
thank you gentlemen
 3 November 2014, 19:59
Dick Hunter
Great job! I too have one almost finished and seeing your beautiful work reenergizes me to get mine done.
 3 November 2014, 22:47
Kerry COX
Just wonderful, and the difference in the crews helmet colours is a nice touch . A real delight to look at. 🙂
 3 November 2014, 22:55
Joseph Johnson Autor
Yea now adays pilots are not allowed to customize their helmets not sure why that is but I always like to do it with models adds a little bit of artistic license and color.
 4 November 2014, 06:28
Joseph Johnson Autor
thanks Dick an Kerry I appreciate the comment.
 4 November 2014, 06:30
John Thomas
Very nice job
 4 November 2014, 13:36
Es-haq Khosravi
Nice job!
 4 November 2014, 14:23
Joseph Johnson Autor
 4 November 2014, 18:26

Album info

built oob except for the addition of hasegawa pilots and smart bombs

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