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Sven Heimroth (RedHome)


Photo 1 of 18


4 17 December 2014, 20:50
Szilárd Kun
Very nice!
 13 March 2015, 14:27
Sven Heimroth Autor
Thanks for the kind words.
 13 March 2015, 17:53
Es-haq Khosravi
Excellent job!
 13 March 2015, 21:44
Rui S
Very nice, thumbs up, keep up the good job...
 14 March 2015, 16:05
Sven Heimroth Autor
Thanks a lot. The Merkava is still in progress.
 15 March 2015, 12:20
Matthias Weiss
Very nice! I like that one!
 3 April 2015, 05:22

Project info

18 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 Merkava Mk.IIID (HobbyBoss 82441)1:35 Merkava Siman 3D (Pt 2) (Echelon Fine Details D356144)1:35 Merkava Mk.3D MBT chains (Voyager Model PEA288)1+

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