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Tufan Özkaynak (deluge)

Revell Mil-24D Hind

Photo 1 of 8


22 December 2014, 21:30
Very nice.
 23 December 2014, 04:53
Ulf Petersen
I love this beast! There's hardly anything in military aviation that looks soooo evil.
Your model is great 👍, the camo scheme very attractive but shouldn't the rotor blades be a little more saggy?
 23 December 2014, 05:28
Andres Wright
Cool !!!
 23 December 2014, 06:58
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thanks guys, you are absolutely right Ulf, blades must be more saggy 😉
 23 December 2014, 13:03
soheil moghisi
very nice.
 24 December 2014, 08:42
 24 December 2014, 09:36
Nice going Tufan 🙂
 24 December 2014, 13:53
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thanks everyone...
 27 December 2014, 19:47
Kerry COX
Does your kit have the same problem I encountered, being the main rotors blades are too long and would hit the tail rotor blades. ?
 27 December 2014, 20:07
Kerry COX
The most "Evil" looking helicopter is the Mi-28 "Havoc", dubbed the "Smiling assassin. [img1]
 27 December 2014, 20:09
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
yes Kerry, it has the same problem... Mi-28 is a great heli, i wish there was a 1/48 kit, it would be great...
 1 January 2015, 11:40
Kerry COX
I think the mould makers didn't make then tail boom long enough on the Mi-24, but I just snipped a small bit off the end of the main rotor blades, and only an eagle eye rivet counter could spot the difference in length. 🙂
 1 January 2015, 11:46

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