M88 Revovery tank in Vietnam - WIP
Photo 1 of 160
25 January 2015, 20:33

Time for some Filters with Oilcolors ... not exactly what I wanted but ... well let's see how it works out ...
7 April 2015, 20:49

Looks like the tracks from AFV Club don't fit properly to the M88. :-/
Am I the only one with the problem ? Does anyone have a hint how I can fix this without trimming the sprocket with a cutter ?
10 April 2015, 20:54

Instead of just using the AFV Club cal.50 OOB I wanted to pimp it with a RB Model barrel. But I'm wondering what the part to the red side of the red line on picture 79 is ? Has anyone an idea ?
20 April 2015, 19:51

The M88 is slowly coming to an end 🙂
I'm not sure if it's dirty enough or if I should keep it like this. I think I'll check again in a few days.
27 May 2015, 20:47

Excellent work Dirk! The weathering, particularly dust effects, is just perfect! Did you "painted" the dust effects with the pigment/ water mixture? Will the tank have it´s place on a dio? 👍
28 May 2015, 04:59

sehr geil! Du weisst, ich mag es gerne schmutzig, wobei mir die Hülle gut gefällt, aber die Ketten sind noch zu sauber. Oder kommt das mit der Verschmelzung auf dem Dio? 👍 👍
28 May 2015, 12:57

Thanks a lot guys !
@coporado : Yes the dust effects were "painted" with a normal brush with pigments and lighter fuel. Of course the M88 will have its Base with some GIs and a Watchtower 🙂
@Jonns : Sagen wir es mal so : Ich hab vergessen die Lauffläche der Kette mit den Pigmenten zu behandeln 🙂
Die wird auf jeden Fall noch eingestaubt, aber ich denke langsam, dass ich dem M88 komplett noch mehr Staub & Co. gönnen werde.
29 May 2015, 18:35

with a normal brush with pigments and lighter fuel ????
lighter fuel ?
not something I've heard of before.....
29 May 2015, 19:23

Uhm .. it's the translation for the german expression "Feuerzeugbenzin" according to dict.leo.org 😉
Well it's this fuel you can fill your zippo with. What's the correct expression in english ?
29 May 2015, 19:29

I have to admit that I appreciate the fast dry when it comes to pigments. This allow me wo work pretty fast.
29 May 2015, 19:43

Dirk , the patina is great, 👍 but I think you should, some how, simulate the fixing methods of that wooded structure. In my bridge, I used some nails and staples😉
1 June 2015, 22:49

Tower looks nice, with a sharp pencil it is possible to add the nails/scews, just by making a black point on the wood...
2 June 2015, 07:02

Hi @all, thank's a lot for your comments. I got me some pretty thin steel wire ( 0.3mm ) and I will try to simulate the nails with this wire.
2 June 2015, 15:20

Thanks a lot, guys ! 🙂
Today I worked on a M60 by plus model. 12 parts for the MG, 6 for the Ammo-Box. Took by about 2-3 hours to get this one finished. Im not satisfied with the Ammo Bet, yet.
4 March 2017, 18:22

vehicle is looking really fantastic. lovely old verliden figures, i have some of those too 🙂
16 April 2017, 17:49

Yeah, it's a pitty that we have to say "Good Bye" to the good old Verlinden Stuff. Maybe those figures aren top notch for todays standards, but to me this Verlinden stuff is the stuff that I watched with big eyes as I was a kid.
16 April 2017, 17:54

we all did! it was a shock when i read the he had closed down and all. he was maybe not the best, and maybe he used some dubious practices to keep himself on top when we has one of the only ones... but he certainly made a difference when he started selling his superdetail kits, and resin figures.... the beginning and the end of an era
16 April 2017, 20:26

yes, i am afraid that when other people started selling resin kits etc, mr Verlinden tried force stores to sell only his own stuff. "if you sell theirs, you will not have mine". basically blackmail stuff.... he did a lot for the hobby, being one of the first, but on the other hand he wanted to keep the business for himself only.
18 April 2017, 09:11

Ooops - I wasn't aware of that. No Mr. nice Guy ...
Anyway I can not understand why all of those forms were destroyed. I'm sure sooner or later someone would have bought those forms and the brand "Verlinden" to proceed with the tradition. But now it's too late and as far as I know all forms are gone ...
18 April 2017, 20:39