Jagdpanzer (t) Hetzer
12 February 2015, 22:54

Thanks... I decided to spice up the figures a bit, comander was put in "his" hatch and the other tanker was send to get a greatcoat and report back as an infantryman... Started with the first layer for the coat, way more to come.
25 February 2015, 09:46

Oh a Hetzer, i love this lil hunter! I´ll take a seat, Fabian! 🙂
Do you think, the Bovington Hetzer is still in his original camo? The paint Looks very new on the pic...
25 February 2015, 10:36

Well, I not entirely shure about that. All I know it´s a late 1944 BMM production, so not the usual (sometimes backdated) Swiss G-13. It seems it had this scheme already in it´s early days in Bovington (~1960), although I´m pretty shure it´s now repainted. It might be accurate, it might aswell be wrong...
Luckily none of my business, as I will go with the supplied masks for the Skoda version😉
25 February 2015, 13:49

Good idea to take the commander into the other hatch. Stunning work on the other figure, Fabian!
27 February 2015, 06:18

Thanks guys, really an enjoyable build.
I started with the cammo, have used the stencils from the kit and the Modulation set from Ak. The green seems slightly too light, but I guess that will set during weathering.
1 March 2015, 20:38

Mit dem richtigen Filter wird das Grün auch wieder dunkler! Looks really good!
2 March 2015, 08:41
Album info
Nice and easy build to get some rest from all that what I otherwise would pull off 😉