11 July 2015, 15:17

Planes ??? normaly i dont build planes, please if someone see a mistake when I build this kit say it to me.
26 July 2015, 12:18

If I can help you not make a mistake before you start, I will give you some vital info on some things that will be a problem if done wrong.
There are two 'sensors' that protrude from the front of the nose, just under the front wind shield. Put some 'blue tack' on each one, and this will help prevent them from being snapped off during the handling while the assembly happens.
The exhaust pipes have a whole lot of levers and bars that are for 'constricting' the exhaust flow to aid in increasing thrust, these are called "Turkey Feathers".
There are many parts that go to make this system in the kit and the mistake I made was, I painted them before assembly, and it was impossible to keep them from falling apart all the time.
Assemble the "Turkey Feathers"first, then paint them with Testors "Buffing Metalizer" paint, and then gently polish the whole lot with a tooth brush, GENTLY.
Take a look at the album I have just created for you to look at of the exhaust pipes.
Help Files only. | Album by RedRoo
26 July 2015, 13:13

Oha s..t I thougt this kit makes fun to build but now..... 🙁
Thanks Kerry
26 July 2015, 13:21

I Know why i love to build AFV's because you can build 95% of the kit and then the painting gets started.
26 July 2015, 13:25

I built mine some time ago, and I am still to put the finishing touches to it. like decals :-/
26 July 2015, 13:26

When i was building the Type VII C there was some parts to paint before building and later to get it all togeher it was fiddely fuckly to do it...now it sounds like its the same at this kit screw you tamiya.
26 July 2015, 13:35

Ivo, ALL kits are the same, and as you become used to building these kits, be they afv's or whatever, the instructions can help a fair bit, but dry fitting is the key to all good builds, as that will tell you when and where to paint and such
26 July 2015, 13:44

Kerry youre right i build it totally slowly maybe then i don't make a mistake...
26 July 2015, 13:48

Puuhh i think for me it is hard to build planes the system of building is totally different then building tanks and ships.
It is like i started modelling the first time today. 🙂
1 August 2015, 10:26

Wow, a box FULL of joy.!!! 🙂 🙂
Just take your time and ask for help when ever you hit a snag mate. 🙂 👍
1 August 2015, 10:32

Or i cry like a little baby when i want to build a tank or a ship. LOL 🙂
1 August 2015, 10:50

Pit starts looking cool, Ivo! And i´m convinced you´ll tackle this bird in a good manner without driving you nuts!😢
8 August 2015, 12:17

The "Turkey Feathers" look really well done IVO, I am proud of you and all the fine work you have put in, and the Tamiya glue is just perfect for that 'fiddley' stuff. 🙂 👍
16 August 2015, 20:23

Ivo, If I may offer a tip about the colour of your "Cans" (exhausts).
Can you possibly spray them with "testors buffing metalizer", coloured Titanium, and when dry, GENTLY polish them with a soft tooth brush, and get down into all the recesses as well and that will look like they do in real life.
Also, The inside of the exhaust pipes were virtually streaked light grey, caused by the high temps of the engine gasses and the afterburners.
Just a thought for you to consider, and that would certainly compliment your excellent build.🙂
30 August 2015, 14:49

Thanks Kerry, i don't have the paint but this week i will go to my favorite hobby-shop and take a look
maybe its there so i can buy it also i want another F4-Phantom in 1/32 .I will be the plane Guru in my town. 🙂
30 August 2015, 15:27

What a fantastic attitude my friend, and you have won my vote for that title already.👍 👍 🙂
I will also suggest that you take a look at this link, as it will show you what the exhaust nozzels of the F-14 look like.
Cheers champ. 🙂
When the page opens, scroll down to the images and click on the one the one you want to look at.
I would suggest you go through them all one by one, as you will be surprised. 🙂
30 August 2015, 19:55

Kerry i try to get the exhaust pipes away from the plane the problem is they are glued to the plane.🙁
31 August 2015, 04:01

Some careful masking off with some masking tape should ease that problem, and just make sure the rest of the aircraft is protected from some overspray.
Just take your time and go slow. all will be good. 🙂
31 August 2015, 04:59

Hey Kerry F4 Phantom II or should i take this bird F4U-1 Corsair 1/32 ?
31 August 2015, 10:12

Ivo, MATE !! 🙂
I am most impressed with the paint job on your 'feathers' mate, and all round, you have made a wonderful job of the whole build.🙂
A big "Well done" Ivo. 🙂 👍
10 September 2015, 02:43

Yes Ivo, your quite the scale model maker and you've impressed us all. Very well done. 🙂 👍
11 October 2015, 09:11