World War 2.1 Concepts and Builds :)

Ha ha! I am sure whatever you do it will look awesome. I have a small 1/35 Bandai recon set and I was considering modding an old Nitto SdKfz 251 and putting it in a small dio😉

Even though I don't what those are it sounds cool 😄
You might like my Zelle Fire, similar mashup concept 🙂
Sci Fi KitBash - Gun Ship - Zelle Fire | Album by Choppa Nutta

You should make posters of your sketches and market them mate.
I'd buy some.
What a fertile imagination you have Choppa. 🙂 👍

Cheers guys 🙂
I'm working up some ideas for my "Static Theatre" project and some printed photo mats I'd like to have a go at marketing, hadn't really thought much about posters really but cheers for the encouraging suggestion 🙂
I'm just playing with shapes really, and cutting bits out, it's like Lego but with knives 😄

Just brilliant Choppa. I really would like to think that there is always something born of scale modelling. It is a creative process at all times. 🙂

A pinch of this, some shaving's of that, a dab of paint and shake it all about.....................!!!! 🙂
BOOM. lol 🙂

.... I've got my mojo back 😄
that egg plane really did the trick in the end
.... and especially after winning a nice Revell Lancaster 1/72 kit for "Most Original" (The Goose in the Top Gun shoot out) in the Genessis Models Groupbuild 😄
This is my Kiowa Gun Bike for the Sci Fi GB that's just started 🙂

Choppa, if you can come up with this contraption from an upside down helicopter then I'm truly in awe.

haha, Cheers Ben, but the easy bit is turning the heli upside down and plonking a pilot on it, the tricky bit is making it look like it was designed that way 😄
Need to finish it first 😄

Hi Gabor, nice of you to drop by 🙂
progress from the last couple of days,
all the major components decided upon just got to scratch the handle bars,
foot pegs and make the seat look comfy as well as few valves and wot not 🙂

Like a dream, it is starting to make sense in a way the longer it goes on.
I am really enjoying the visuals here Chopps. 👍

Cheers Ben, that's the plan, hopefully 🙂
haha yes indeed Kerry, the more I build the easier it is to see what it is😉 😄
you're an extremely capable modeller, I've seen your scratch built bits & bobs,
you might enjoy taking two kits and mashing them together, same goes for
every commenter here thus far 🙂
If you have any cheap old kits that no longer appeal, pick a couple and bash them together 😄

I just can't resist a challenge Choppa, and now, I will go to my hobby shop, put on a blind fold, and grab a couple of 1/72 kits and go from there. LOL 👍 🙂

no, don't do it blind folded !! 😄
You kind of need an idea first really, and then look at what kits might go together well.
There is some ad lib to scratch'n'bash but if can start off with at least a plan outlined then
the final result will look more cohesive 🙂
And a collection of nice greeblies wouldn't hurt either 😄
I've collected some ideas from other people together in my Sci Fi GB build thread here for inspiration -
Gotta say I do like the simple format of a heli kit with a plane kit, my (unfinished) Zelle Fire is the same idea.
One idea for that was to remove the the trailing edge root of the Spitfire wings to get a dragon fly wing and attach to the Gazelles rotor hub pod just above the cabin with the V Tail and tail dragger wheels.
If you're going down the Jet Bike road, I think the Huey, Hughes 500, Gazelle, Uh34 Choctaw etc. would make starting points with some Chop Chop 😄
If you fancy copying this one, that's cool of course, and would be very flattering if you did 🙂
But yeah, I look forward to what you come up with.

Thanks for the advice Choppa, and I was really 'jesting' about the blindfold, as I would rather have some sort of an idea rather than scare myself to death. hahahaha. 🙂

funny you should say that there is a Blindfold GB about to start 😄
I figured you jesting😉
So what idea appeals then, pod racer, gunship, gun bike, space assault fighter, pleasure boat ? 😄 😄 😄
Anyhow, added a couple more photos of progress 🙂

Let me sleep on the ideas, but I do have something in mind with a "Fokker Friendship"

I Just wanted to cry about the lack of options from tank material but after checking your link I feel that I have to make some kind of a walker. 😄

Yeah those walker tanks are cool, I have a spare tank turret crying out for legs 🙂
really looking forward to seeing what you can come up with 😄
I wonder how many people might interested in a wee Scratch'n'Bash GB of some kind ?
perhaps we all pick the same two models each and see what funky things we can come up 🙂

Love the ideas! I especially like the 50s pod racer. Though I would go with a 57 Bel Air myself.

It was Ted's idea to use that car for a pod racer because he has a 1:24th one in his stash 🙂
I just thought the coca cola engines might suit that 50's America vibe 🙂

Oh no, its very cool. I just am a 55-57 kinda guy is all. LOL

The Coke cans reminds me of using beer cans to cover up holes in my VW kombi exhaust.

Cheers all, glad you're liking the ideas 🙂
Donald reckon that would look good too hey, I was also think the original Batmobile too😉
Matthias, gotta have some crazy in your life as Hendrix once put it 😄
Gerald, you know the pod racer aint a model, it's just a "photo'chop'shop" 🙂
Ben some people have made working jet engines from coke cans,
not very efficient but they work which is impressive
Rui it's just playing with shapes, kicking sand out the sand box to make it bigger haha 😄
Anyhow back to my "Kugel Spatz" Gun Bike, made a start on the handle bars last night and worked out the piece count for just the handle bars and it will be 42+, more than your average Revell Monogram kit haha 🙂
Also had a play with my new riveting wheel from Trumpeter, tricky as the plastic holding the wheel obscures the point of contact and lining up the wheel is tricky so I sanded away a big chunk of the plastic and it got easier, still need more practice though 🙂
Anyhow, cheers for the nice comments 🙂

Well these handle bars are proving to be a bit of mission,
by far the most complex single component I have tackled
on a plastic model with 72 parts all in, once they are finished.
Very fiddly careful work with numerous second attempts 😄

Choppa I really don't know what to say. really impressive and well done.

Thanks Antonio, very kind of you to say so,
got to do the other side now 🙂
still though 72 parts on just the handle bars !!
that's more than a lot of kits 🙂

Got lucky with some greeblies and found some useful decals & some very cool WW2 guided missiles.
Also solved the foot peg mounting issue too
Plus I needed to take a break from handle bars 🙂

..... Ended up being 78 separate pieces in those handle bars ! 😮
My eyes !!
Still though, glad that bit is finally finished 🙂
Quick mock up to make sure everything fits and to check the scale
relationship between handle bars, seat and foot peg position etc.

Chop... Well you look like you didn't have any issues tout the second handlebar🙂 🙂 🙂 😄

haha there were some but other things were easier too.
Most of the hard work had been done in my previous session
so then it was a case of assembling prepped parts etc.
Al though the double cables got position 1mm to the left of
where it should have been, basic the same as left hand one
and not symmetrical to it..... mildly stupid of me 🙂
Figured I'd leave it just in case I made things worse, it's on neat enough ..
Anyhow those 1/48 Me109 engine mounts seem ideal for foot pegs 🙂
Was having a right headache about how to do them but it's coming together now

First congratulation to understand my encrypted message 🙂
Choppa I don't see the 1mm difference on your photo the only thin i see is that it looks really good.

Cheers bud 🙂
I'll take a photo from the front top and you might notice it then perhaps,
but then my face is right up against it etc. 🙂
Anyhow, a parting shot for the evening 🙂

Thinking of printing this out and using it as a Display Base.
Few errors with the front view to sort out but I think it will
make for a slightly different display [smile]

Cheers Martien, glad you like it 🙂
It's been sitting on the drawing board for a wee while now,
nice to be making progress with it 🙂

Ever heard it said, "It's all in the presentation" Choppa ?, and I am sure that once it is on the display table, all you will be asked is, "Who makes it and where can I get one ?".
The blue print drawing will really have people scratching their heads, muttering to them selves, "How come I have never seen that before.?", "where did he find THAT.?"
Just brilliant Chopp's 👍 👍 👍 🙂

Ah thanks Kerry, I really appreciate that 🙂
I'll mock up some box art when it's done just to test your theory haha 😄
Gotta say though, designing model kits would be something of a dream job for me 🙂
In the unlikely event it generates any serious interest I could make a 3D CG model
and send it off to the 3D printers etc. But it is part of a collection ideas centered around
WW2.1, an alternative universe. The idea was to create the models and use them for
comic book stories and just draw the characters on to the vehicles etc. My Zelle Fire is
part of this WW2.1 collection too, so there is potential for a range etc. but first I have
to finish them and then we'll see 😄
Anyhow, cheers for looking in 🙂

Cheers Donald 🙂
Btw. what do you think to Kerry's suggestion ?

Speilburg would snap one of these up for his next movie, I have NO doubts about that. 🙂 👍
I want the prototype mate. !!! :-p

You mean do I agree people will want it? Hell yes! Its an excellent idea and brilliant execution of it.

Funny you should say Spielberg as "Ted USA" over at Genessis Models said something similar -
"..... the build seems to echo Star Wars Speeder Bikes on the Endor [SP?] Moon, except I like your design better! George,.... hey George, LOOK AT THIS BIKE!! "
Which was a lovely comment to receive 🙂
He's a great modeller too as well as a top bloke
Anyhow, you can't have the prototype Kerry, I aint finished it yet😉

The engineer in me is always drawn like a moth to a flame when I see blue prints Chopper, and this has me drooling 🙂

Could it incorporate "Swing wing". ? for when they have to "Bug out" as fast as possible. hehehehe. 🙂

Nice idea, something to incorporate into the Mark II 🙂
I did think about mounting the wings onto blisters with a fat hinge for adjustable an/dihedral
Add the swing wing feature too and it would become even more Sparrow like 🙂
I was just playing with ideas for a base for it and I like blue prints, nice colour with techy bits 🙂
I figured the model would look good on it as a base, kinda like the Airfix kits used to do for their box art,
but with blueprints😉

Choppa, with the "Diversity" that is now becoming the 'norm' these days, it is the 'eye candy' that gets a modeller every time, and you must agree that the box art is always a big factor in your decision to buy a kit, even though the contents may be crap, :-/ But, to see a blue box on the shelf with the hint of scale blueprint involved, I would be moving everything out of the way to get at it, for sure. This industry is big and he who lets a fantastic idea get away from him............well, you know the rest.

I like what you build Choppa, you know I like your abstract thinking but now your computer design and graphics work has blown my mind a bit. Very impressed.

Todays installment sees me pondering more over the figure situation 🙂
Hence my collection of 1/24th scale figures. My thinking thus far is rather
than carve one of these to try and fit the bike and be left wondering why it
doesn't look natural is to maybe have a go at starting from scratch with the
I've looked at Fujimis 1/20th pit crews and they are tempting, separate
heads, arms and legs with a variety of leg and arm positions they might be
more manageable but ...
I've started thinking about making a skeleton from pipes & wire, packing it
out with cotton wool to fatten the limbs and torso and wrapping in thin bin
liner plastic as it will crease naturally (I reckon, I hope 🙂 ) and use one of
the heads off the figures, probably one of the two Huey pilots. Add straps
and buckles etc. get a cheap 1/24 seat belt set for the job.
Considering having a go at carving the hands and feet from some thick
sprue from the 1/24 Spitfire kit, plenty of it for a few attempts. But it would
mean I could have separate hands designed specifically to fit the handles
properly and could just clip or link onto the arms.
With this I could finely adjust the figure into a natural looking position with
hands and feet attached to the bike properly whilst being fully adjustable,
also his bum and legs would conform to the seat perfectly too.
Anyhow, I've been experimenting with making springs and telescopic push
rods and I think I can make a few features work on the model, like the foot
pegs, steering and tail wheel suspension. Going to visit the handle bars
again with a few mods as a result of tonights tinkering 🙂
Some of this might seem a bit gimmicky but it does add to the challenge 🙂
Plus it means I have a figure I can pose in different positions on and off the
bike to give some variety to the photos etc. Anyhow, nice to get a few things
worked out 🙂

The figure you posed on it seems a bit too large to me. Perhaps 1/32? Or are my eyes just wonkey?

No way 1/32, his hands and feet would be nowhere near reaching the foot pegs and handle bars,
definitely somewhere between 1/24 to 1/20, for sure 😄
Also the bike is about the same length as a regular bike at this scale, once the saddle and the foot pegs are sorted out it will become more apparent. 🙂
Anyhow couple more photos of telescopicy spring things, and my 1/24 figure collection 🙂

I'll do a comparative pic with Little Nellie once the foot pegs are done and you'll see it looks right, I'll try and get a square side on shot so you don't get that "The cameras too close and fish eye !" 🙂

Alrighty! Oh and fabulous work on the handle bars. You are the only one who can see any difference in alignment, trust me.

if you saw it in person you would notice, especially if I pointed it 😄
and cheers 🙂

I think perhaps re. the most recent photo with a pilot on it the illusion it's too big is because of the raised camera and a bit too close etc. but also because the figure is sitting too high and not conforming to the sit properly and he needs to lean forward to reach the handle bars at which point he will be sitting quite a bit lower on the bike. I reckon it's the unnatural posture that's throwing you 🙂

I was looking at the Hasegawa Sci-Fi kits and some have strange looking figures.

I know Kerry, what a job this guy has made for himself, not to mention the money he must make doing what he loves.
The ideas are amazing.

I was watching a bit of Captain America and thought the mini sub looked a bit like a me262 and as I still have a fuselage left over I thought I could do a loosely based mock-up of the Fieser Dorsch Hydra Sub with 262 parts and others. Then I started searching for reference pics and found the designer/artist.
Mind blown......

great designer and a bit of a dream job really 🙂
seen his work before but always great to have a recap of the good stuff 😄
Cheers Ben 🙂

I aint no Christian Bruer but all this fiddly stuff makes think of his work 🙂
and how chunky these feet pedals might seem him😉
anyhow they work, telescopic sprung rods, bell cranks etc.
needs some tidy up and a couple of modifications to make them work sweetly but all good.... so far ..... 😄
Better photos tomorrow 🙂

What's next uncle Choppa.? Will he have a x-ray gun on his helmet too.? huh? huh? huh? 🙂

Choppa, have you ever taken apart a Bic cigarette lighter. ? Because there is a long spring in there that could be of some use to you. 🙂 👍

nice idea, like it 🙂
but as I was think the suspension should go inside I was thinking a bit of dense foam
or and elastic band ....
or a length of guitar string drill and glued in the end which will lean against something to push against.
But I might have a rethink and have an external sprung shock absorber... mmm... rethink perhaps 🙂

Yay, foot pedals altogether and fully functional 🙂
managed not to glue them solid 😄
Also put a spring on the tail wheel arm which works too,
they both need some fine tuning but almost there with them 🙂

A Harrier is feeling a little underpowered somewhere I see. 🙂 👍 The spring works look great Choppa, 👍 🙂

thank you kindly gentlemen 🙂
Nice to get a few features working, really helps that "it looks like it could work" air of functional realism 🙂
and an enjoyable challenge too 😄
Anyhow, on to the sprung seat next for some 1920's-esque saddle action ! 😄

you've really got me thinking about what it would take to put a kit together and what kind of I kit I could put together and after a few cursory inquiries I reckon we're looking at about £30-£35 as a possible retail price for a boxed kit of plastic parts, various wire for the plumbing, box and box art, instructions and decals with the possibility of a Photo Etch upgrade set.
As a low numbers production run there would be some limitations and ones expectations would need to be managed, The plastic is a sturdy but flexible nylon, the print layer resolution is only 0.1mm so surface detail will look kinda chunky with rivets and panel lines at 0.4mm wide, also there will be a slight stepping on curved surfaces, but the do have a free polishing service but surface protrusions and sharp edges might suffer. But then this is always going to be aimed at an advanced modeller anyway so filling, sanding and rescribing etc. are all well within the remit of any experienced modeller.
Also the fit might not be perfect and will require a willingness to overcome such an obstacle, all the small holes would require drilling out to get them properly round for instance, kind of like with a resin kit, it will take a bit of work for it go together nicely, it's not going to be Bandai snap together quality but with a bit of work on the builders part and with the wires and a bit of PE maybe a good result should be well within reach for an experienced modeller 🙂
That said it is unlikely that it will come with functioning features, but the instructions could show how to modify the model so that it could ? There are a few things one could do to make this an easier prospect for the budding scratch builder ?
Getting a decent decal set is one stumbling block I'll need to get around, something like an Airfix Me109 decal sheet would work well but I would prefer to do my own bespoke artwork for the decal sheet 🙂
Anyhow, does that sound about right to you ?
I was expecting double that price to make this a viable proposition.
For the stellar Hi Res 3D printing we're looking at well over a hundred quid as far as I can find out thus far 🙂
Anyhow all food for thought !
But I would be very interested in what everyone honestly thinks either way 🙂

I was looking at and their 'type' of material, and your creation would certainly be in the same 'mould' (no pun intended).
Would it be possible to work a deal with them that they buy your finished model for them to blue print and produce, as their production facilities and abilities are all ready established, with you getting a percentage of all sales/royalties .?
The cost of producing the moulds, wether they be for injection or resin mouldings is THE most expensive part and may be the part that would be most difficult.
The dies are made in a totally different way now, and are engraved using both laser and chemical etching, a similar process for the photo etched material we use in our kits every day. The dies being either brass or copper and not stainless steel as before, all hand and machine milling.

Yeah that would be a nice way of doing it, good quality resin kits done by people who know how 🙂
Where abouts are they ?
Couldn't find a location.
Are they US Dollars ?
Pricey !!
Interesting range of products and I like their original stuff only ethos too.
Definitely worth approaching once I've finished it and not before 😄
But it is interesting to ponder 🙂
Anyhow, thanks for the encouragement either way 🙂

Although this interesting 🙂
"Collaboration is Key!
Do you have a cool master you'd like produced, but don't know where to begin or can not invest in the production? Do you have great scratchbuilding and sculpting skills, but can't come up with something you think would make a cool kit release? Are you a concept artist who'd like to see their work made into a scale model kit? Do you need a 3D designer/printer to get a certain difficult part just right for your master? Need a graphic artist for your product materials? We can hook you up and together make something interesting."
So they definitely seem open to looking at new stuff 🙂

I see on their website, "Contact" and a form you can fill out. Maybe it would be better to ask them where they are and who you would have to personally contact to discuss any 'terms' as there must be some way of showing them what you have instead of just sending an image, as those ideas can be taken by others with selfish interests, if you get my suspicious 'drift'.
They have a Facebook page too mate. That may be of some help. :-/

??? Well, that is a start, but do they have a representative in Europe. ?

apparently they have vendors scattered around the globe, whatever that might mean 🙂
I would like to know more about the company though, what their sales are like, how big a company they are etc. But they do seem a good port of call though from what I can see but I can see the cost of the kit doubling at least to my proposed £35.
Anyhow, I still need to finish it really 🙂

I am tempted to get a sample of the nylon used in the 3D printing and see what it takes to sand, glue & paint and maybe treat myself to a 3D printed kit of it and see what it comes it like and what it's like to put together and if I can get a decent result out of it. I would like the price to be as low as I can make it for it be open to a larger audience etc. I could get it printed at a different scale, 1/35 maybe ? Cheaper too 🙂

Leave some room for the magnets mate. !! :-O
I read the comment and now you know what UFO's use as their power source. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 🙂

........ it's what you might call an Excremental Aircraft,
as opposed to the more conventional Experimental Aircraft ......... :|

One continuous smooth burst of pure bean, egg & cabbage emissions boosted with generous pumpings of curry powder for the endurance factor and to maintain the output consistently,
especially for when the throttle is wide open and you're giving it the beans, so to speak .......

You're completely crazy... 👍

.............. Has to be smooth though,
otherwise you risk clogging up the engine,
which would be a right stinker,
naturally ....

Organic Too I hope. hehehehehehehe. 🙂...................SOMEBODY STOP ME.#######

Well done, Choppa MacGyver... 🙂

Just you chaps wait for my "Margarine Tub Moon Lander" !! 😄

it's an idea I had for a joke (junk) GB and Matthias's comment reminded me of it 🙂
would be good as a weekend GB,
making spaceships out of kitchen junk 🙂

THAT is a great suggestion mate, and one that will produce some brilliant ideas for other projects. LOL 🙂 👍

well if anyone fancies doing a Weekend Junk Ship GB at some point let me know 🙂

Wow, I wonder what I could do with a dishwashing detergent bottle nozzel. ???? Mmmmmm, ME wonders. hahahaha 🙂

get creative, that's what you do with kitchen junk, get creative 🙂

I need to sit on top of a 'magic' mushroom, have a smoke, and let my mind wander where it may, then I'll look in my cupboard. hehehehe 👍

Don´t forget to add a refill for a ballpoint pen and a piece of twine, just like the real MacGyver, Choppa! 😛

Kerry, you god damn hippy 😛 😄
Matthias lol, the only place I know McGyver from is the Simpsons 🙂
Anyhow, some more progress after much faff and fettling 🙂
Seat done and sprung and another dry run with everything so far 😄

Oh yeah, also got some samples from a 3D printing company and having had a look and a play I think they are workable !! 🙂

It's really getting some 'definition' about it now Choppa, and I can only imagine the 'skin' it will have. 🙂
The next couple of additions I am really looking forward too. 🙂
Great work mate. 👍

Cheers for the nice encouragements 🙂
Going to be painted as per the very first pic in this album Kerry, I'm sticking to the plan 🙂

Btw Kerry I think you missed the bit about 3D printing samples and what that means for kitting this thing etc. 🙂

Choppa, did you mean this that you wrote. ? As I do remember you saying the 3D printer and costs were what you were looking at.
"Choppa Nutter, In the unlikely event it generates any serious interest I could make a 3D CG model
and send it off to the 3D printers etc. But it is part of a collection ideas centered around
WW2.1, an alternative universe. The idea was to create the models and use them for
comic book stories and just draw the characters on to the vehicles etc. My Zelle Fire is
part of this WW2.1 collection too, so there is potential for a range etc. but first I have
to finish them and then we'll see 😄
Anyhow, cheers for looking in 🙂"
🙂 👍 Cheers mate

I meant that I got some samples from the 3D printers and I posted a picture of them 🙂
anyhow they look good enough to be workable with and I also conducted some tests with glues and fillers, Tamiya thin don't work but super glue, epoxy and PVA works with it depending on strength requirements etc.
add some PE and I think this might be a workable route towards kitting this thing,
I was hoping you might have caught a glimpse of the photo in question 🙂

Cheers Don 🙂
the stance is coming together now that it is up on it's own three feet 😄

OMG! Choppa that looks like a Kiowa had a mid-air with a Harrier! This is interesting...

I can assure you Glenn the accident happened all on the bench😉
though a couple of the smaller bits did go flying 😄

Cheers bud 🙂 I'm calling it the Kugel Spatz (the Bullet Sparrow), it's a flying gun bike 🙂

Anyhow, feeling the need to take wee break from the Kugel Spatz
and I'm gonna have a go at doing a long weekend bash on this -
Gonna keep it simple though and no naughty super detailing, sim pull !! [biggrin]
This was what I was going to build if the "Airfix GB" had won the day [smile]
The concept is a simple one,
start with the Airfix 1/72 Bf110 and remove outboard wings and tail section,
reverse the normal direction of flight, add a cockpit for the new direction,
chop the outboard wing panels to make a pair of blades, stick to engines,
remove propellers for the ION engines and paint etc. -

When it is in production Choppa, I will be placing my order for a couple. That's for sure.
👍 🙂

Sweet, I need a guinea pig, er.... I mean a reviewer😉 😄
give me some time to work on it and I'll try and make it happen as best I can 🙂

Cheers Ben, was just a rough sketch coloured in to get the idea across 🙂
I still want to do the Hypolev Mudak but I've also got a few walker tanks coming up too 🙂

Hey! I want one too!😉 Love the new design as well. And I do have a 57 Chevy kit that is just begging to be made into that pod racer. Somewhere down the line.

Oh, and I am finding that I can not plow through a large or overly detailed build in one shot anymore. Hence my 135 break. So I get why you need to set that baby aside.

Really Don ?
Huge compliment !!
I better get on with it seeing as that could be my fourth order so far 😄
and yeah and a simple side build is just what you need sometimes, especially if it aint going together like it says in the instructions, or indeed when there are no instructions !!😉
Glad you like the latest design too 👍 🙂
Anyhow, more photos in due course

Your latest design looks very good. I am currious .....and will folow it. 👍

Cheers Martien, glad you like the new one 🙂
Some progress on the new design, keeping things a lot simpler for this one as I want to see it finished in days not weeks 🙂
luckily all the cockpit stuff can go in after painting the fuselage etc. which makes painting that bit easier for me 🙂
a bit more chop chop and then it's slap it together time 😄

Mr Gadget is loose. !!!! Take cover everyone. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. LOL 🙂 👍

This is one way to deal with old inaccurate kits and have some fun! I really like the idea of a Me262 X-wing fighter i saw one done somewhere at a display. Looked great. 👍

Yeah like the X-262 as well, cool idea 🙂
Anyhow, Nearly finished 🙂
just got to shape the wings to fit the engine pods and I'm ready for paint 🙂

interesting subjects, and you build em faster than I can open a box...

Those wing "foils" pointing forward that are coming off the original wings, are they just glued on or have you made a slot for them or some locating lugs etc?

Lol Bart, this one is a little rough and ready, if you look closely you can see some minor asymmetries etc.
Just fun playing with shapes 🙂
Ben, I shaped the "Gravity Wings" roots to conform to the engine pods, scraped out the inside edges so the outside edges touched the pods and used Tamiya extra thin and feel pretty firmly on now. Getting them to sit flush was a faff and it aint quite perfect but a little PVA as a filler and they'll do I guess 🙂

Sorry, "gravity wings", don't know how I couldn't see that from the blueprints. 🙂
I only asked as I basically did the same as you glueing the wings onto the fuselage on the X-Wing 262. I considered making up some lugs or locating pins or slots for extra strength but decided it wasn't necessary.

yeah man get it right ! this is precision slap dash modelling don't you know, it's Gravity Wings from ACME Industries😉 lol 😄 😄
Yeah I figured the same thing, it's only a 1/72 Bf110 so for this scale and how strong the extra thin glue is, pegs weren't needed, If I was doing it with a 1/32 I reckon I would use pegs though 🙂

Well it's finally hit the "spray booth" for its primer coat 🙂
Well, when I say "Spray Booth" I really mean a cardboard box with some holes in it and an old sock for an air filter .......
... Luxury ! 😄

"Gravity Wings" sounds like when Yoko Ono joined Paul and Linda in a band.

Lol it really does ! haha 🙂
"Muck of 'kin tyre" 😄
Anyhow, I've got the "Automatic Radar Signal Enhancer" holding the "Hyper Attenuated Infra Red System" mounted on the rear of the vehicle...............
as you would expect naturally ..... 🙂

Choppa please tell me that desklight is only running from a low voltage source! I hope it's not 240 VOLTS!!!!! 😮

Lol Glenn, I feel loved 😄
no it's a 12 volt sealed cell battery,
I aint ready for the Darwin Awards just yet😉 😄

Cheers Christian, just throwing some shapes as they used to say 😄
Anyhow this wasn't the album I was referring to, I meant my pumpkin carvings,
sorry for any confusions. 🙂
Anyhow having had a stab at carving/sculpting your thread caught my interest,
especially impressive for how small you're sculpting those Ewoks 🙂
Pumpkin Carvings and maybe some sculpting maybe | Album by Choppa Nutta
Pumpkin Carvings | Album by Choppa Nutta (1:48)

Cheers Christian 🙂
Got a fair chunk of the painting done, just the blue on the underside and a handful of details to do [smile]
I don't usually count the parts in kits but seeing as it's an own design my curiosity gets the better of me...
72 !
less than the handle bars on the Kugel Spatz [biggrin]
Every thing feels so chunky on this after the gun bike.
I'm glad this one is coming together pretty quick (for me Pete)
although there are a few things I have let slide here and there
as I've just eyeballed it and omitted all the jig faff factor.
anyhooo... 🙂

Aside from all the things I aint happy with I'm quite happy with the way this one is turning out 😄
I also beginning to feel less afraid of the airbrush now, still much to improve but cleaning it out
several times aint such a drag. Learned a bit though, glad I "done" a quicky, feeling more confident
over painting the Kugel Spatz 😄
Anyhow, decaling next for this puppy and a few loose ends like painting the canopy 🙂

I admire your talent and creativity Choppa.
The film industry needs you. 👍 🙂

Thank you Kerry but I think it might be more I need the film industry more than it needs me😉 😄
but yeah, I would love to break into it 🙂

Die fliegende Kanone looks so damn cool, Willy Messerschmidt surely would have loved it !

Hey Hanno I do hope Willy was a sci fi fan, brilliant man though who got mistreated by his competitors....
Anyhow looking at it again the red vanes at the back are making me think of and Indian feathered head dress so I think I am to amend the name a bit to the "Buffalo Hawk" or ....
Bf110 Büffel Falke,
das Fliegende Kanone

what a difference the decals make 🙂
many things bring a model to life but none more noticeably as the decals go on
I'm pleased with this one has been quick to put together 🙂
just the stencils to go now and then it's onto to the finishing 😄

wtf, this thing is very cool, the last "Geheimwaffe of the Reich" :-D

Thank you chaps !! 🙂
Still more to do Stephan, stencils and then weathering 🙂
Christian, I think this one might have been the one after the last "Geheimwaffe of the Reich" 😄
The airwing of the SSS, Super Secret Service😉
Couple of photos in daylight so you can see the colours closer to what they actually are, my indoor lights are quite yellow....
Playing around with some box art for the GB presentation etc. 🙂
My mother once said to me "if you have an idea get it down on paper so you don't forget" ..... true story 🙂
Anyhow, I had an idea, a while ago, regarding my cheap old 1/48 Revell FW190 so it was hi time to sketch it at least 🙂
Also had another idea for turning it into a walker artillery piece which is what I'll probably go with on this one 🙂
I like the design excercise of kit bashing one kit with whats in the box and no extra greeblies from other kits.
Anyway, thought I would add some red to my drawings to make them a little bit more legible 😄
A neat and simple trick is drawing round the parts and sketching the rest
Anyhow, another project for another day, just thought I'd share this one 🙂

Choppa, my have some mad Photoshop skills. Me likee alot!

Photoshop skills, hand skills, brain skills, original skills, etc skills. Congrats Mate 👍

Thank you thank you and thank you all 🙂
Any scale is possible Kerry but..... you know the score 😄
..... and if only I could get a million people to give me a quid each😉
Anyhow cheers for all your encouragements, much appreciated 🙂

I am happy to contribute some dosh, if it means you can look at producing this as you feel you can. 🙂

Kerry that is an awesome offer and a huge vote of confidence from you.
Not entirely sure how much start up is going to be just yet to pursue
this but designing an selling model kits sounds like a dream job to me !! 😄
Never did get a reply from Airfix regarding working for them ..... lol 🙂

Choppa, We wouldn't have the models we have to build today unless it took someone with an imagination as fertile as yours. Like I said, "Crowd funding" is something that would seriously benefit you. And I would send a resume to as many model makers you could and, send some to the film making crowd, as I always see adds for "model makers" by Warner Bros here in Oz.

OK, I have no bloody clue how much a quid is, but I would certainly donate that, as I am sure it isnt British for a million.😉
Seriously, I have to agree with Kerry. You have shown some wicked imagination and talent with this stuff. Couldnt hurt for you to send resumes out with photos of your work. I could see you producing these kinds of things for any of the companies.

Hey Kerry, That also crossed my mind. Choopa should show is work and speak with Hollywood SF guys.

There is a massive opportunity for Choppa to be recognised for his creativity and vision, and I would like to think that all the mates who participate here would echo my sentiments too, and it could be where Choppa could raise some capitol, and done through the right people to cover all the jegal bases and make it 'all above board', we, as a group, could help his vision become a reality, and I feel that all the mates here would be only too happy to help.
Do you. ? 👍

very great job Choppa! Love the "Kugel Spatz" and the Buffalo 👍 👍

Great boxart Choppa 👍- you should use a top loaded box like Eduard does, not the Revell used ones😉
I would buy it.

Thank you all very much, that's given me plenty to think for sure !!! 🙂
Donald, a quid is an English pound😉
Stephan, top loader boxes are my preferred option too, the side openers are annoying having a lid for a tray is too handy not to do plus I have some nifty ideas regarding the top loader box style for later😉
Kerry, that's a lot to think about ! 🙂
I can't taking money before I have a plan, or finished these models as yet 🙂
One thing that would be a huge help is if I knew how many people would want to buy one as the bigger the batch the better I can plan ahead. One of the nice things about going for the 3D printed route is that we can produce any scale desired 🙂
So if anyone wants some of kits of these please do let me know 🙂
anyhow I've got to get back to my bench, seems I got a lot of work ahead of me 😄

I will order a Squadron of your kits right now Choppa, and name your price, and I will pay. 🙂 👍

Jep Choppa, I Love thosetop loaded boxes, I would oder one 1/48 the smaller one's are to small for my eyes😉

Sweet, give me a few weeks to get the CAD work done and get a sample back from the 3D printers and we'll get this ball rolling 🙂

I hope so 🙂
I did try to stick a 1/48 figure in it as it almost fits and the canopy is from a 1/48 Spitfire,
so this one was nearly 1/48 😄
I wanted to do this one quickly and the extra faff of squeezing a 1/48 figure ended up low on the wish list in order to move quickly with the Buffalo 🙂
But a little redesign in the CAD and I can add a couple of mm to get a 1/48 figure into as I had originally envisioned when I started it which means I could change the number on the box from 1/72 to 1/48 😄
Of course you could always opt for a 1/35 or 1/32 as it would end up physically being the same size
ie. 50% increase in dimensions and an increase to 375% in the volume of plastic used
(1.5 cubed = 3.75)
Anyhow, back to the bench for me, got lots to do !! 😄

I am so in for at least one of each in 1/48. And now I know what a quid is! Learn something new everyday! LOL

Sweet Donald, your order is logged 😄 👍
A wee update
some of the paint has crazed along the way, must have rushed something ?? 🙁
Luckily it's in scale more or less so I'm calling it shock cannon damage 😄
gonna let the oils dry and Future it then some more oil touches here and there to hide all the new mistakes 😄
anyhow, almost there 🙂

Hey Choppa,
That 3 or 4 (I think) red tails come with the kit? ( By the way Great weathering Mate ) Congrats. They don't show up in the artbox.

Cheers Rui 🙂
the 4 red tails will be included in the kit, everything is in bits whilst I do the main weathering, saves me breaking them off 😄
The box art is a mock up and I used the best photo I had at the time of the model so far, to be redone once the model is finished, and redone again for when I get the first batch of kits in too as I'll be building the first one for the actual box art to show exactly what's in the kit 🙂
This is very much all a work in progress ! 😄

haha nope, nor are they "Why wings" either,.... They are "What!" wings 😄 😄 😄

Almost finished the Buffalo, everything is pretty much together now just a couple of Tweaks to go for tomorrows final reveal 😄

the landing gear underneath seems a bit odd... I was expecting some skids or something like that. Will you add some guns in the tips of the wings or in the nose?
Has the paint cracked between the cross and the unit emblem in the last picture?

Yeah it does need a few things explaining Bart 🙂
Yes the paint cracked on the side and a few other places too but at least it's in scale, I'm call them fractures from "shock cannons" (a new weapon 😄 )
Not sure what happened here, I've obviously rushed something, perhaps I should let the paint dry for longer ??
Never thought of skids as I was going for that Sci Fi crossover thing with some more real world elements.
Good idea for an option in the kit, would be easy for me to add 🙂
I was considering a few possible options for the kitted version and that would fit in nicely, the main other option I want to include is a "Slick", a racer version with an alternative wing arrangement.
Regarding weaponry my conception of this aircraft was as a ground assault hence the bombs underneath, the nose is the main cannon as is, used to "soften" the enemy during the dive before bomb release. But the nose could always be modified to suit of course.
The tips of the main stubby wings were made from harrier belly gun pods and was planning to stick a barrel out of that part. The lower forward "wing foils" are ion cannons and to fire it ejects layers of the lead tips to extreme velocities that can through most things it hits hence the worn tips of them😉
Another idea I had was to mount a sidewinder on the inside of the lower wing foil ion cannons and maybe some in the upper foils too. The nice thing about this becoming a kit is that it can be highly individualized as the modeller sees fit 🙂

I love adaptability Choppa. 🙂
And the idea of a Tesla "pulse" weapon sounds effective. :-O
Will the pilots helmet be similar to the current type of "look at/shoot it" design. ?
Just wondering. :-/

Always nice to have options and it is always good to have feedback too because I want to make the kit the best I can and adding a few extra small parts as options is always a cool thing. I do think these will make good platforms for lots of individual versions from people, I like the idea of all your old favorite colour schemes combined with Sci Fi 🙂
Having skids as well as wheels and include a couple of gun barrels for the wing tips on top of the racer options will give people some choices, or should I say a few different starting points to make it their own 🙂
Another idea is to make it compatible with some PE frets out there for the cockpit like making the instrument panel the same shape and size as an Eduard Me109 PE fret etc. and then you add all the seat belts and other bits 🙂

Hey Choppa,
Yap, this kit is a wonder of imagination (and the skids option is a must, great idea), but also because of that, I think, the personal individualization will always be open to any modeller regardless all the options you put into the original one.

for sure, there is no way I can cater for every possible idea but handful of good ones if I can 🙂
Ok, skids are a definite option then 🙂

I'm having a good chuckle at this. "fractures from shock cannons" 😄
This is the sort of stuff I've been saying to myself while working on the me262 X-Wing. "Yeh, yeh, I know that's not where the ports are on the Jumo engines but then again it's an X-Wing FFS!"
I enjoy the stories that you can invent to explain a stuff up or just something stupid you think of. It's part of what is so enjoyable making these types of builds.
No rules.

it's how stories are written, I'm sure of it 🙂
I want to put some characters to it and I'd like to team up with someone who can write proper comic book stories, of course I got some ideas but my script writing is terrible 😄
Anyhow, I'm calling it plausible fiction 🙂

This might give you some inspiration for your comic Choppa - - don't forget the Dino's !!!

haha cheers JW 🙂
Watched it a while a go, an amusing romp, I like a good bit of "What if ?" 😄
Anyhow, final reveal time 🙂

Here's the link to the "World War 2.1" final reveals thread 🙂
Thank you again very much for everyones support, encouragement and kind words, means a lot 👍 🙂
World War 2.1 - Buffalo Hawk Aero Cannon Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta

And we can all say, "We saw it all start right here on Scale Mates", the living comic book. 🙂 👍

haha maybe 😄
The final reveal thread on Genissis Models GB threads 🙂
Hope you all like it 🙂

I now have a new Desktop image as the background. 🙂 👍
Sheer brilliance Choppa, and I bet that your now going to be overwhelmed with orders/requests mate. 👍
So, that's two you have for production mate and this is just the beginning.
Huge congratz Choppa. 🙂

Cheers Kerry, yeah the response has been a little overwhelming,
.... it's been... emotional 😄
never thought of doing desktop images, that might be quite a good promotional idea etc.
Anyhow, on to the next one now, I'm tempted to do the "Iron Wolfe" walker artillery piece next as another quick build as this one was fun to do, and was good practice for the weathering which will improve, Mig Jemenez makes it look so easy !! 🙂

Look what happens girls and boys, especially when you drink good warm English beer. 🙂 👍
You get creative. LOL 🙂

Absolutely brilliant sir! And I have a resin Sherman tank hull sitting here. Hmmmm.

Hey Don, did you check out my "World War 2.1 final reveal" thread ? 🙂

Choppa, have a look at this. More radical attack craft. | Album by RedRoo

looks cool 🙂
reminds me of a thorn bush and sycamore seeds 🙂

Seems my "World War 2.1" final reveal thread has got a bit lost in the wilderness so I figured I'd upload the final photos here too 🙂

Had a good conversation with the 3D printers today regarding limitations and work arounds etc.
One idea I had is to make all the panels separately so that you get fine panel lines between panels which opens up all kinds of possibilities for internal detailing if I make each of the panels with ribbing inside etc.
Add spars and formers as they might be in real life. Which leads me onto another idea, at some point when I can afford to get a bunch of custom PE sorted all the non compound curved panels could be done in PE which would then allow for fine rivet detailing as well without having to resort to the production costs of Resin moldings, my head is swimming with possible combinations. I do think that for the first batch at least I ought to keep it simple as possible as there is more than enough to contend with already but the custom PE is something I ought to keep in mind but it would be an effective combination though 🙂
Also had a good chat with the printers about getting the boxes printed and made up too.
so that's two major components on route to being sorted just the decals to go which is proving to be a real headache at the moment. I need a cheap source for ready made 1/72 and 1/144 Luftwaffe decals to suit a 1/48 Buffalo and a 1/35 Kugel Spatz respectively, preferable ones that come with the little stencil decals too.
I figure any Luftwaffe fighter/ small bomber aircraft decals in the right scale would work for these fictional beasts 🙂
Ideally custom decals is where I would like to be but Cartograph have a minimum order of 300 sheets 😮 !
Too soon for that !! 🙂
Anyhow, if in the mean time anyone knows a good cheap source for decals please please let me know 👍 🙂

Choppa, I certainly did. 🙂 The concept for the box alone is awesome. Only thing is, I wouldnt be able to use the box lid as a painting platform for the small parts. LOL

Haha I wasn't sure as only Ben and Kerry commented on it, I felt like it had been lost in the great yonder somewhere anyhow, I feel pretty sure you might have a spare box lid for painting the little bits 😄

there was a thread from Chris meddings on FB about this to:
- peddinghaus (Germany)
- Pheon Decals (France)
- Fantasy Printshop (UK)
- DKdecals (Czech)
- Fantasy Printshop (???)

Bart, thank you mate ! 👍 🙂
Had a look at Pedinghaus's offerings and thought they were a little pricey as was Fantasy Printshop but I ought to get back in touch with them and make more inquiries and see if we can do a deal 🙂
Anyhow, I had wee tidy up of my bench and knocked together a proper little paint rack (at last) and my workbench suddenly feels so much more inviting now, best thing ever !
Best T h i n g ..... E V E R !!! 😄
Of course it got filled up right away and really, I could do with another one right away, especially as some new toys arrived today, ie. a set of pigments & wash as well as Vallejo Super Duper Metallic and Tamiya Gloss Black 😄
Never done an all metal finish before, well only on Robot costumes but that don't count here 😄

Cheers Chaps 👍
Got some more ideas to sketch out and I'll be back on with this project 🙂

Thank you Jonns, I just wish I could build as fast as I could dream this stuff up 😄
Speaking of stories Kerry, I may have hooked up with a writer to do some graphic novel stories, hopefully 🙂

Well, that is an exciting thought Choppa, and I am wondering. :-o
Does he have any graphic art input, ? or is all that just your domain.? The art I mean. 🙂

I'll be doing the art and the writer will be doing the writing, naturally 🙂
but together we will be working on the plot etc. but I will be laying down the premise and doing character design etc. with a bit of critical back and forth to fine tune ideas and weed out the bad ones and all that jazz.
I'm kinda just lining up a few things for down the road as this epic project progresses 🙂
Think I just wee'd myself with excitement😉 😄

I wish you all the success you can possibly have Choppa. 🙂 👍.
And all your mates can now say, "We were there." 🙂
And no more weeing in the hall way !!! LOL 👍

Yep he got in touch 🙂
we've got a lot to discuss as yet but he likes the idea and premise etc.
he has a project to wrap up and I've more progress to accomplish but
we should be taking it further in due course, nothing set in "Stone" as yet😉
but I have a good vibe about it, time will tell though,
gotta keep my feet on the ground 😄

Cheers btw Kerry, ironically Lucas Film has just started a hiring cycle for Episode 8.....

Timing is EVERYTHING mate. 🙂
I have a HUGE smile on my face here, as I am most happy for you Chopps'. 🙂 👍

Good stuff Choppa, I really hope you and Alex can work something out together and best of luck with the application with LF.

Cheers Ben, I haven't applied to Lucas Films, I just noticed they were hiring was all 🙂
I'll have a think about it though, big big up rooting to go live in the States from the UK
They are going to have a ton of applicants, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try I guess 🙂

Sure of course, positive mind set and all that 🙂
Although I thought "The Farts Awakens" sucked arse, worst episode yet and now that Dismey have got their filthy hands on it I can't imagine it getting any better (even with me on board😉 )
I'd probably got fired within a week for saying "That's a terrible idea !" once too often haha 😄

I would argue that strenuously. That aside, it WOULD be a big deal having to come over here. But it wouldn't necessarily have to be permanent would it?

haha Don, I reckon we should have "the farts awaken" debate in private, could get ugly lol 😄 😄 😄
anyhow, each to their own and all that, although the effects were great, as was BB8 and I was impressed they built a full size Falcon for it, so not all bad 🙂
As for working for Lucas Arts, honestly I would jump at the chance but I doubt my portfolio is up to muster.
Living in the States for while could be an awesome experience, not only that a good opportunity to finish off my flying licenses too as it is much cheaper than here 🙂

Nah, not ugly, just spirited. 🙂
And hey, perhaps your portfolio isn't up to snuff (which I find hard to believe). Perhaps they look at it laugh and move on. BUT, perhaps not. Costs you nothing to throw your hat in and if you dont, it's a guarantee nothing happens.

1) .... Haha, yes indeed spirited !!
but it was still a bad movie though, no real character development or believable characters, silly and contrived plot line, no on screen reunion, too many arbitrary moments slapped in there, silly ending on par with a Michael Bay movie and numerous other faults,
really they should have called it "A False Hope" Episode 4.7 😄
I'll wait for the Fan Edits 🙂
2) That is very true, I've clearly got confidence issues, but then the last 4 years or so have been quite traumatic for me 🙁
Luckily modelling and my guitar have been very therapeutic for me and life is beginning to look a lot brighter again 🙂
I'll have a think about it although I would like to see my WW2.1 through to some conclusion though, perhaps Lucas might be interested in a new project now that he has sold his soul to the Devil ? 😄
A bit hopeful perhaps but you gotta have a dream😉 😄

Well I enjoyed it.....all three times 🙂
I can understand how some feel let down by the film but I think there needed to be some sort of re set from the prequels. It's good to see a Star Wars film that actually looks like a film and not a cartoon.
Anyway, as you were gentlemen.

I just wanted a good story with characters I could believe in, oh well,
at least the original trilogy is still awesome 🙂
Anyhow, I guess it is all a subjective point of view 🙂
One film I did really enjoy recently though was Deadpool !
not what I was expecting at all from another X-Men related movie,
dark and funny, loved it !
especially the "Tea Bag" moment, that had me in stitches 🙂

I highly recommend it !!
good story, good characters and some classic one liners in some unexpected places with some cheese thrown in too, loved it, would watch it again, best film of the year so far 👍 🙂

Well I am slightly gutted that I farked something up with the dash as the dials fogged up !!
I tried using "Contacta Clear" to create the glass in the dials but I was a bit too bitty about how I applied and it looks a bit pantaloons now,
shame, they weren't looking too bad up until then, even if the decals did not quite line up with the plastic ......
but then again they were intend to go on top and be conformed to the contours which would bring them in a bit...
Anyhow it is what is, dirty dials for a dirty mecha, oh well, live and learn 🙂

Hey Choppa, you might want to reconsider that name....Spinne is a Spider, Spinner is someone who is slightly crazy (native German speaker can provide a better translation than me)
Oh and this is another cool project!

Cheers Ben, just a shame I stuffed up the instrument panel dials with them fogging over 🙁
aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh.... well........ 🙂
Cheers Wim, I knew spinne meant spider, didn't know spinner meant crazy person in German though but I am going to name a character called Dr. Spinner in light of that tit bit of info 👍 😄

Cheers Don, glad you like it so far, I've almost come to terms with instrument panel guff up ... almost 🙂
For this Mecha I want to see if I can make the legs articulate for a variety of different poses and all that jazz, I want to try out some ideas for the final reveal as I got hold of some pretty cool rocks for it to stand on 🙂

Maybe these will help

cheers Ben but I will be using some RC spares I have lying around 👍
Servo arms and some more industrial looking Ball & Socket links, I'll post a quick pic 🙂

Here Ben, this is the plan for articulating the legs 🙂
add telescopics and two 0.5mm lead wires on each leg to make them look cool and to hold them in place so I can pose them etc.
telescopics will get their own thinner wires so they don't get strained and break off etc. 🙂

those are servo arms for the RC planes as are the white ones, different size servos.
multiple arms on the star "thingies" are so you can align them more accurately to get the right mechanical set up to achieve equal throws in both direction so you can get equal left and right aileron movements etc.
I was considering them for the job and I would just chop off the excess arms but I'm going with the white ones now, less work and they fit better etc. 🙂

Choppa, not really sure what the issue with the panels is. They look pretty good to me.

cheers but you can't really see the dials as the Contacta Clear fogged up, I put to many layers on with a pin and it didn't go down smooth, everything was look pretty sharp until I glued the instrument panel faces to the decaled plastic sheet.
I've seen another way of doing it for next time, you use a thick varnish and paint the panels on the back and the surface tensions of the varnish leaves a lens like film of the holes and when it dries you get a glass over the dial effect which was what I was trying to achieve, a super sharp face where you could read all the dials properly but mine just looks like it's all full of snot and poop 🙁
Lesson learned though, next time I'll get some thick varnish and test it out on some sheet with holes in, when done well and right it just looks like the real deal has been shrunk down, looks awesome !! 🙂
Next time !! 😄 😄 😄

OK, I gotcha. And I can see what you mean upon closer inspection. I dont know if you know this trick, and I can not vouch for it as I have not tried it myself. But, I have seen folks use Johnsons Klear, the floor stuff a lot of folks use to gloss the model for decals, to replicate dial glass. They just put a drop in the dial and it dries perfectly clear and looks like glass. At least the examples I have seen looked good.

I have some of that stuff, called Pledge Klear but it's the same thing, Future etc. I did think about it but for some reason I thought the Contacta Clear was gonna be for the win :/
I'll go over them again to gloss them up at least, I'm just glad I didn't balls up one of my fancy Eduard kits 😄
The one i want to try is the varnish trick as it leaves a thin film that dries hard, bows out slightly like they do and is thin enough not to get any weird refraction issues. Plane B will be to just gloss coat the decaled sheet and glue on the panel over the top with PVA. At least I still have an impression of detail even if it is slightly Van Gough.... 😄

Really impressive and inspiring stuff you do here, Choppy! That tells me: Never throw your old models in the bin, you can make something new of it!😄 Just cooooooooooooooooooooooool!

Cheers Holly really glad you like it thus far 🙂
hehe, yeah waste not want not etc. etc. even if you don't do a scratch'n'bash with it old models could easily be turned into derelicts as part of a diorama or something similar !
Always something new you can do with them 🙂

Been a wee while since my last update, The Iron Wulf's limbs are taking a little longer to work out than first thought, I do want it to be posable after all 🙂
Having fun with the chunky rivets 😄
eight telescopics to make, two for each leg then paint ! 🙂

Simply amazing, not to mention fantastic Chopps'🙂
The fog is lifting slowly, revealing better detail. 👍
How long is the que outside you gate now mate. ? 🙂 🙂

haha, no one in the village knows anything about it as yet😉
yeah, this is proving to take a little longer than I had first anticipated, some back'n'forth getting the range of movement on the legs right and other fiddly faffs etc. 😄

It looks like it could darn near be motorized! The big rivets are very different. I rather like it. 🙂
And that shale you are posing it on wouldnt be fossil shale would it? Paleontology being one of my other big interests.

With the big rivets and so on, I kinda miss a large chimney for some steam and brass tubing ... steampunk it is then 😉

- Donald,- motorising it for RC would be awesome !
if I could get 8 30mm(to 50mm) long linear electric actuator servos that looked like hydraulics with 4 more regular servos for the shoulders attached to the body and at least a 12 channel processor etc. could get expensive though 😉 😄
Maybe one day ! 😄
As for the slate rocks, I haven't seen any fossil indications, nothing that an untrained eye would notice at least, sorry bud.
I went for the big rivets because I had some courtesy of Jas "Falloffalot" 👍 🙂
and I wanted to industrialise the surface so to speak to give it a slightly chunky but nimble look.
- Ben,- if the barrel is the tongue, to be painted red, you can see a dogs head, viewed from the side, which will be painted black with red eyes for that Devils dog look 😄
- Bart,- I was more influenced by late WW1 & early WW2 tanks as much as anything else 🙂
but now that you mention it there would be room for two brass exhaust pipes to add to that steam punkery 🙂
Was thinking two aerials... mmm, 😉
One thing I do like about the chunky rivets is that diminishes the FW190 presence
- Melf,- I was more reminded of this than the Wild Wild West spider 🙂

Yo Choppa, this looks absolutely awesome. Love all the functional looking details and hinges ! No doubt this thing crawls through your house at night, when you're fast asleep ! 😄

Cheers chaps 🙂
Hanno, I'll get one of those motion sensitive cameras just to make sure !😉 😄

haha Derek, I had to look up that Starship Troopers reference😉

cheers Martien 🙂
another wee update, started work on the telescopic hydraulics, not perfect but workable 🙂

Wow, ingenuity, impressive ideas and very nice implementation on some of them 👍. Guess 70years back you were a member of the design team that worked on Hobbart's Funnies😄

Cheers chaps ! 👍 🙂
Don't remember hearing of Hobbart's Funnies so I had to google it, of course 😉
I like this one for it's "WW1 meets Da Vinci" 😄

Ah ok, thought you have already heard about that. There was a long list of quaintly inventions on both sides of the front. Not all worked well as you can see here.

haha the good ol' rolling bomb !
I remember that one though 🙂

When our robot overlords take over they will remember being kicked around!

.... and the robot overlords will make slapstick comedy action movies about humans running around hiding the memory chip that contains the evidence of robo dogs getting booted & kicked and all the humans die and they get their memory chip and the robot overlord gets the robo girl......
well... I imagine even robot overlords like a happy ending😉

Just about every thought and invention has always been considered for military application. !!! A most war like species we are really.🙂
Quite a fascinating project though guys. 🙂
And Choppa, the preying mantis look of your creation has really got me and all your mates wondering what is next from your most fertile imagination. 🙂 !!!

the Princes primary consideration is that of war for without it upper most in the Princes priorities one is susceptible to being invaded ...
Nature it self is a war zone, few animals die peaceably in their beds, most die scared, hungry and all too often eaten alive !! 😄
Next up is to finish off the "Kugel Spatz" !! 🙂
after that I want to the "Mudak Hypolev Gun Bike",
after that not sure, maybe my "Wasp Scout walker bike" or another Mecha Tank but turreted this time 🙂

This thing still freaks me out when i see it. DARPA Big Dog. There is even a small 1/144 scale model of this from a Japanese resin company. I think there going to have to make it a lot quieter if they plan on using it on the battlefield! They would hear it coming from miles away! But arm it with a plasma pulse gun and it would be very cool and scary or maybe it could appear in Episode 8 🙂

it would be one of those robots you could easily out run but it follows you relentlessly !!
I reckon they'll being doing a hybrid version so it can do a stealth mode on just electric power and fire up the engine when it needs the batteries recharging 🙂

Some experimenting with the telescopics 🙂
Brass V Plastic !
Brass wins, by a mile ! 😄
sharper neater edges
moves more smoothly
fits more snugly
and it just looks the part😉
downside is that it's 5 times the work
but I've only got 3 legs to go 🙂
plus 7 cables per leg.....
All moves pretty smoothly !
... which is nice 🙂
plastic parts at the top of the picture 112 fall short of the brass components pictured at bottom.
Filing the ends flat is awkward and takes a while, could do with one of those grinder wheels ...
So I gotta do all that again, 3 more times

if you liked the robo dog you're gonna love the robo cat 😄
Youtube Video

and there is this awesomeness !!
I want one !! 😄
Youtube Video

that robocat is awesome, at first it was funny and puppy-like, but it seems pretty fast...

I'm surprised how fast it moves ! and backwards too, well it looks like it's going backwards to me 🙂
Liked the way it crashed

Been a while since my last update but I thought I would have a go at making some scenery for my Iron Wulf Mecha Cannon 🙂

It's about 12" tall, 8" deep and about 14" wide or so roughly speaking 🙂
I need to get some dark green flock to give the trees a bit more of a leafy texture as they are looking a bit candy floss at the moment....

Cheers Christian, glad you like it so far 🙂
some dark green flock on the trees and it's finished 🙂
Gonna let you in on a secret, they are real rocks 😄
bits of slate I chipped off a block with pastel and oil washes plus some dry brushing for the highlights😉 😄

Choppa, If I may make a suggestion on how to get that 'leafy tree' effect. Use spray can adhesive like a hairspray over the branches that may have some small amount of flock on them, then sprinkle the finest chopped 'grass' over the wet adhesive and keep repeating until you have a desired effect. It works mate, really well. Just a thought bud. 🙂 👍
Does the 'rockery' come with any Knights that say Nnee ! ? 🙂

You are sweet Christian 🙂
Lol Kerry, no but a few did pass by looking for a schwubbery .....
Yeah I had some vague passing thoughts on something like that Kerry
but now you've said out loud and everything my mind is thinking leaves
through a cheese grater. Mostly because the grass around here is quite
light colour and I have easy access to dark leaves 🙂
Definitely worth an experiment with, what could possibly go wrong ? 😄 👍
Although I kinda like the candy floss effect, makes it look more like sketch somehow...
Gotta say it's a very different build to plastic kits, was a fun and time consuming
process with a lot of unnecessary steps that I won't be doing next time 😄
Still though, not to bad for a first proper go at a diorama, not ready for water effects just yet😉

Mates, it's good to know we are still quoting the 'python' LOL. 🙂
I am always experimenting with all kinds of things, and not surprisingly, most of what we all think will actually work well, though I am with you on the water issue Choppa, but, I will HAVE to do it one day, as no doubt, there will come that time when I am committed.
I have been looking at seeds, yes, seeds, and the poppy is the smallest, but maybe fennel or cumin seeds, as they have that 'curve' like leaves do, so, maybe. ?
🙂 🙂 🙂(schwubbery). LMFAO (👍)

Actually ground herbs might work, might have to visit the cookery isle😉

Choppa, look at the shapes of the seeds before you go grinding away the shape, but try both the 'ground' version, and the whole grain look. (God, this sounds like a bloody cooking show). LOL 🙂 👍
You will figure something. 😉

do you know what flock is pretty cheap,
phuk it, I'll get some flock .... 🙂

Cheers Holly much appreciated 😄
Had a go at chopping up some fern tree leaves which gave the right sized debris 🙂
But even a light sprinkling has proven to be quite heavy making it awkward to handle,...
So I think I'll be getting some flock as it is lighter ....
I'll upload a photo of the fern tree cuttings version, does look a bit better for it though 🙂

Cheers Kerry, I'm learning 😄
Anyhow, another pic so you can do a comparison of with and without the fern tree cuttings 🙂

Yep, I gotta go with the one on the left as well. This is some fantastic work sir!

Yeah it does look a little better now Kerry but I can still see room for improvement, as ever 😄

I am biologically hardwired thus,
I can't help it,
anything to stave off that feeling of being disappointed with myself haha 😄 😄 😄

Totally in the same lane Choppa. Like, I have just stripped the black paint off my staff car, could do better. ;-!!
I don't like to settle for second's . 🙁

Looks convincing and very significant 👍 What kind of wood do you use for the Base?

Cheers Christian 🙂
the base is slightly larger than an A4 sheet of paper, the base is some 4mm hardboard, really dense cardboard basically. might be nice to mount it on a wooden plinth 🙂

sorry it's been a while, got all the engineering done now and it's ready for some paint 🙂

A big DB 306 would have looked pretty awesome hanging out the back Choppa. 🙂

Have you got a part count on this yet Choppa? Looks like it's doubled since I last looked 🙂

Haha sorry Ben, the novelty of part counts has worn off😉 😄 😄
couple of hundred maybe on this 🙂
Kerry, I really do have no idea what you mean by a DB 306 🙂

Damler Benze 306. the type in all good piston driven German aircraft. 🙂
OR. A David Brown aston 6.

haha, I'll guess I'll have make do with the Vurgel Norfenschtatte Omnidrive V42 in the back😉 😄

all a bit late now as there is only a week left in the Gennessis Models GB 🙂
I can imagine some good ideas for a V12 Mecha though, I do like the suggestion, would fit into the Steam Punk style nicely 🙂

Choppa. mate, friend, buddy, 😉 The DB 306 thought was just something that popped into my head as I was looking a little more closely at all your amazing work, and the sight of the two great exhaust stacks made me wonder just what was the power plant you had included, not knowing at that moment, it was the world renound, Vurgel Norfenschtatte Omnidrive V42. ! 🙂
I am so pleased you have chosen such a trouble free engine. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍.
Cheers. 🙂

ahh, I see, by world renowned you must be using a new definition I am not familiar with, like "never heard of before"😉 😄
Anyhow, painting has started, primer and base coats on 🙂

@ Matthew A - Steady now...I don't think Choppa is aiming to blow it to pieces in glorious Supermarionation!

haha now you mention it I am tempted...... 😄
I might fly it round the room to the Thunderbirds theme tune though😉

Are you going to do a solid color or a camo pattern? Looking awesome!

Cheers chaps 🙂
I'm going for the Panzer Grey look, kind of anyway, but with a few Manga splashes of colour, kind of 🙂
It's a little darker in real life than the photo

It looks like a mechanized Chameleon, especially with that long pink protrusion from it's front end. Deadly accurate too. 🙂

You keep amazing me me with your creativity and scratch building skills. It's a beauty!

Thank you kindly for such warm encouragements, hugely appreciated chaps 🙂
Kerry that gun does look quite pink in the photos, actually it's the same red as the tails, once it's had a dirt wash it might photo better etc. 🙂
but now you've said, yes it does have a chameleon look to it, I've called it the Iron Wulf though 😄

I just love all the work you produce Choppa.👍 You really are a gifted and talented guy. 🙂 Mr Chameleon. hehehehe. 🙂

I hope the recoil from the gun doesn't destroy those little ball joints

Ah cheers Kerry, you're too kind 🙂
Matthew, good point you raise there, there is a few items missing including the pneumatic recoil ram that comes out of the "Nostril" and attaches to the barrel so the whole barrel moves to absorb most of the recoil and the jumping thruster at the back pushes the Wulf forward to absorb the rest.
Yes, I said jumping thruster as one of the features of the Iron Wulf is it's ability to jump across large gaps and onto the top of buildings etc. the jumping thruster extends the range of the jump and the rear flaps are used to control the attitude of the vehicle whilst in "flight",
yeah, I know, I'm total geek 😄

How can I missed this?! Great work Choppa! It's good to see another scifi builder at scalemates.😢

Cheers Dieter, really pleased you like these so far 🙂
and yeah man, there are a few of us here 😄
plus you among those here that have inspired & influenced me so it is very gratifying to see you dropping in on my humble thread 😄

Well I'm a Nerd (not cool enough to be a geek I'm told) Just rediscovered Thunderbirds, and looking through TV21 comics with a view to some kit-bashing. I came across something that made me say "That's not right, that'ed never work... the copywriter must have got that wrong"

ah, maybe I'm a nerd as well then 😄
yeah, vehicle designs that have little thought regarding engineering or physics suck.
Even if they include a made up energy thingy wot not the rest still has to make sense for one to be able to buy into the imaginative required 🙂

IMHO the only thing that could make this project cooler would be a pilot wearing a Pickelhaube and WWI era markings [img1]

THAT worked.LOL Seems others are thinking along your lines my friend

Cheers Don,
an interesting link and provokes some thoughts and emotions I have to say.
not least of which is I wonder if they have seen my work in this regard ?
Although I dare say I might not have been the first to consider such a thing for sure 🙂
I wonder what you think of it and how it compares to what I am working on ?
be honest, straight down the line BS free honest mind you, ie. do not mince your words, haha 😄
My initial thought is they do not understand aerodynamics given the layout of their first offering, but it does have about it I like although the actual vehicle is a touch bland for my tastes, I googled the kickstarter page to see what they got and where it's heading etc. as it will be an interesting example to follow, if only to see what the appetite is for such things 🙂
Would love to know what you think though 😉
I have a collection of more thoughts on it but before I elucidate further, regarding their packaging, branding and overall style etc.
Anyhow, this is their rather slick starter campaign which I will follow with interest but I won't be pledging anything, naturally 😉

I am honestly not impressed with them. I thought that was a manned torpedo at first. LOL I find your ideas to be much more "realistic" and interesting. I think head to head you would win hands down.
I would certainly be copyrighting every last thing you put to paper.

Resembles a bit "Hydra" or "Wolfenstein New order" stuff that you are creating, which indeed is great stuff and please keep on!

Okay dokey, I'm calling the Iron Wulf finished, better pics to come later today 🙂

The weathering and the driver rounded it out perfectly. As always, great work sir.

Simply brilliant and a great use of your imagination, I don't know where you come up with these amazing builds.👍👍👍

Millionaires row right here Choppa. 👍
This is "I gotta have one" stuff mate. 🙂
With the right promotion to a manufacturer and we will all be posting our images of our renditions of you brilliance here too. 👍
Top stuff Choppa, in every way possible. I am actually lost for words mate. I seriously would encourage you don't let this go anywhere but onto the market. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Thank you very kindly Kerry, your encouragement means a lot to me, as does everyones 👍 🙂
I've made a mammoth push to get these finished over the last couple of of weeks, got a load more pics but interweb is playing up as I use a mobile phone for my connection etc. etc. so please bear with me 🙂

You should get a bigger phone mate, something the size of a 'laptop' or a tablet. hahahaha. 🙂
the 'bears' are a patient lot I have heard. :-/
The "Bullet Sparrow" name I like. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍

Cheers Michael glad you are liking these dude 🙂
I have another 3 designs om the drawing and one more half finished languishing in it's box plus a design for a character, the Alien Overlord known as the master, also have the premise for the story written too 🙂
Kerry I need a triple hard line with an omnigoogertronic thimplex juxta connection 😉

Good to see there's more coming from your cranium, as I reckon there's a lot of great ideas in there that need to come to fruition.😢

Totally agree with all you say Michael. A most creative man our Choppa is. 🙂

still having diffculty uploading pics though, man this is frustrating !
well I'm gonna work on presentation artwork instead 🙂

more pics uploaded and more to come, cheers all for tuning in with this mammoth build thread 🙂

OK, so, totally NOT wanting to sound like a fan boy here. Choppa, your ideas are great. You approach it with a "how would this be mechanically and aerodynamically possible" and you make it at least plausible. I look at your creations and I see HOW they would function in real life. For instance, I didnt need you to explain the recoil damping for the big gun. What you built made it obvious to me the cannon telescoped and therefor absorbed much of the recoil. Your designs are feasible.
After that, they are wicked cool. You have a talent my friend. One I would kill to have. As I said, COPYRIGHT THIS SHIT! PLEASE!!!!! This stuff will sell I think. I really do. Those other guys are eons behind you. Keep it up sir!

I cried when I read that, I feel all emotional😉 😄 😄 😄
no but seriously you humble me, I am going to get a kickstarter of my own going soon 🙂
also coming later today will be a short video demonstrating the working parts on the Spatz and Wulf 🙂
so stay tuned !! 😄

Absolutely stunning images Choppa. And now. "A thought". Choppa, I am thinking that all the 'Hydraulic lines' that are exposed would be severely damaged by debris and fallen/ing structures, especially the one big loop that is hanging down under the main body. Is there any 'shrouding' you could use to offer these vulnerable pieces some protection.?
And last but not least, some 'cable cutters' ?
👍 🙂
I would still run for my life if I heard or saw one of these in the area. :-O

oh yeah, practically speaking you're absolutely right but it does look cool though 😄
I have taken a serious of liberties design wise for the sake of aesthetics 🙂

That low down angle photo makes me feel like I'm hiding in the grass shitting myself.😢

You're a top notch styreen artist in my opinion. Love to stroll through your pictures.

Chopps', I was only 'mentioning' what I saw, and it is in NO way a shot at what you have created, but then again, you know that. hahahah🙂 And Mike is right, the sphincter muscle would be working overtime. LOL 🙂
Artistic licence is the creators right. 🙂 🙂_ 🙂 👍
"Feuer-Werfer" or "Kanone-Spinne". 🙂

Gentlemen, thank you kindly 🙂
Kerry stand not upon ceremony for that is where the fools are, always speak straight and true😉
Honestly though, I love that kind of feedback etc. really, it's all cool, you raised a good point 🙂
plus how could anyone take constructive feedback personally ? 😄 😄 😄
I view it as an essential part of creative process and all that jazz, so never hold back I say
anyhow 😄

OUTSTANDIG. Outstanding craftsmanship, outstanding paint job, outstanding modelling skils, outstanding photo, outstanding design, outstanding work capacity, plus others stated previously.
You never stop to amaze.
Congratulations Choppa 👍

Holy Moly that looks damn cool. Excellent work and finish Choppa! Very impressed by your talents and skils to come up with those designs👍

Today, I vote in one of the most important election our country is ever likely to have. God bless Australia. 🙂 👍
Have a great day world. 🙂

here's hoping you don't some politically correct nonce running your country ! 🙂

Hi all,
the final reveals for all three models complete with new photos etc.
it was a sunny day 😄
Next up for me is getting the CAD work done to get these turned into kits to sell so if you're interested please do let me know, a good number of you guys have expressed an interest in this regard so I feel encouraged to do all the hard work for the CAD side, also lots of you have provided me with essential feedback and critique which is invaluable as the one thing I want more than anything else is happy customers, thanks again for tagging along with my crazy builds though, it has been a lot of fun 🙂
Thank you all of for your encouragements and I hope you all like. 🙂
Iron Wulf 1/48 -> World War 2.1 - Iron Wulf Spinne Kannone Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta
Kugel Spatz 1/20 -> World War 2.1 - Kugel Spatz Gun Bike 1/20 Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta
Buffalo Hawk 1/72 -> World War 2.1 - Buffalo Hawk Aero Cannon Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta

I think I am ready to go over to the 'dark' side hahahaha. I want one of Everything. 🙂

You've clearly enjoyed yourself with these three Choppa, and it shows. Great creativity, and I hope you're able to produce them commercially 👍 What's next from the Nutta's design studio? 🙂

awesome chaps 🙂
Don, 1/48th scale preferred if I remember right ? 😄
Soeren through me initially although I have been in touch with a couple of outlets to guage a feel of what's what, but I'll be sure to keep everyone informed of course 🙂
Kerry, I mean Oliver, you might have to share some of that😉
Mike yeah, it's been fun building outside of the box, next up is to finish the Zelle Fire which is the one that kicked all this off and seeing as it is sitting in the box waiting for decals and final assembly it is high time 😄
Bart, ah yes, the Cobra walker, I'll put that one to the top of the list for the next batch of designs seeing as you asked so nicely 😄

That would be correct sir! 🙂 Now if you can.pitch it to an established company... Or are you more keen on controlling it yourself? And if so, I would presume you would be aiming for resin.
Forgive me if you have clarified already.

if you had been born a few years earlier and been working for the Germans we would now all be eating sausages and speaking German 😄
(Joke with no politics intention😉 only to underline the craftsmanship)

....Vitor !! I am absolutely Fuhrerious, you completely forgot about the fabulous bread that comes out of Germany !!
now you've put your "Fuß" in it ........
😄 😄 😄
Honestly though, I think political correctness is an impediment to honest conversation and a cancer to ones intellect, it's fascism dressed up as politeness as George Carlin once put it 😄
Anyhow, thank you for the kind comment, although with Hitler in charge no doubt the Nazis would have made the same mistakes even with the Sci Fi weapons 😄

yep been over this a few times but such things have become lost in the 450+ comments on this thread so no worries 🙂
But to re-clarify 😄
I want to retain the intellectual property rights if I can (unless the offer is too good to refuse) as there are several things I want to do with it, model kits, graphic novels, animated series/film and video games, of course these are big dreams and I need to keep my feet on the ground, one step at a time.
I have 3 options ahead of me for the kits, 3D printing, Resin moldings and mass injection moldings which means selling the idea to someone else as the tooling alone will be in the tens of thousands of bucks if not more etc. but I reckon I will need some traction with sales before I can do that
Resin will also require a hefty investment too, hi res 3D prints to make the molds from is going to run into the thousands of bucks quite quickly, plus for the posable models resin will be quite fragile but if I have some success with this venture and as I am able to invest more back into it then I will be look to include resin parts more and more, the other down side is that to do these as pure resin kit it will double the retail.
1st editions of these kits will be 3D printing at this stage of the game is my only viable option really, much lower overheads and the plastic will be stronger too. My main concern over detail resolution is the panel lines and I reckon I have a good work around for that issue plus I can augment the kits with some custom PE for the grills and hatches etc. Fine rivets will rely on the modeller using a rivet wheel, looking at Airfix kits with their chunky panel lines and rivetless surfaces I feel ok with the work arounds available to me here.
These are not going to be like regular kits and will require a little bit of extra effort on the part of the modeller to get the most out of them, but there will be bonus features that you don't see on many models like the internal frame work so doing exposed interiors etc. is an instant option as all the panels will be separate pieces to ensure fine panel lines which will give the modeller a load of options for how they choose to display it 🙂
One I will do from the outset though is make them compatible with the plethora of Eduard Photo Etch sets for the cockpit details, hopefully this is something I might be able to include in the kits themselves.
At the moment my biggest headache are the decals, getting the price and quality right in low number orders etc. as this is not going to be a mass manufacturer product, but then I guess you all knew that hey 😄
I hope I have answered your question as fully as possible Don 🙂

Mat, it is cool to see WW2 planes in the "wrong" colours hey 😄
Although I still have the Mustang in the box 😉
Which I will probably do as intended, classic style 😄
Anyhow, the video demonstrating the articulations is uploading onto youtube as we type 😄

Well explained and quite a reasonable expectation that your idea and all brain waves of creation that you have, just may see you want to extend this whole concept into something larger and, if so, it should always remain your intellectual property, as you just may want to design and manufacture other items of a similar nature, but to sign away the IP will mean you stay away from anything that may have some or any resemblance to these kits you have all ready created. Be they comics, art, clothing or images, and that should never be surrendered, as there will be those who will make a point of expanding on your designs and concept to extract all the money possible from the market.

... never thought of clothing, good idea Kerry ! 😄
I hope my reasoning is sound though given where I am starting from, next step is demonstrate that the 3D printing is viable, I reckon once I have the first sample in and and built to a reasonable standard the pudding will be proven, so to speak 😉
One thing I do consider of importance is managing expectations, but again that will be best done with a practical demonstration 🙂
Anyhow, I have a wee video uploading as we type 😄
stay tuned !
in the mean time, meet Frau Fuhrerious, fresh out the packet and almost the right scale, a touch too tall perhaps but hey,
she could with some painting etc. and the gun modifying to look good but for now it will have to suffice 😄

I am also confident that once these kits start to be seen on the shelves and the eventual 'reviews' happen on the many sites dedicated to our hobby start to appear, not to mention the competition tables, the demand will automatically grow and the little problems like decals and PE sets and after market items will be less of a hassle for you to try and solve, as a lot of these things will be solved for you by the modellers who buy the kits and start producing many variations of your kit, with all kinds of stuff that they will find that they think will help make 'their' version something other than what they started out with and, others will want to copy, as this is what we do with things that do not have any 'factual history', lets say, most modellers do take some 'artistic licence'. These kits will take on a life of their own Choppa. 🙂 👍 👍 👍

Seeing what other people come up from my designs and kits will be utterly fascinating ! 🙂

Thank you Es, lovely of you to drop by my friend 🙂
and cheers Don, glad i managed to get that across clearly, I've said it a few times to various people so clearly the practice is paying off !! haha 😄
Anyhow chaps the video of the parts in motion for the Spatz and the Wulf, hope you like it ! 🙂
Youtube Video

If I don't get one of these, I will personally come over there and "Rip your bloody arms orf" 🙂

That Wulf reminds me of a creepy big bug now seeing how it is so movable.👍👍👍

Are you putting in your order Mike. ? I reckon you would have a ball with this. 👍 🙂

yeah, I am quite pleased with some of the range I managed on it, it still has it's limits though, I think I can improve on it though, but then again how much does it need ? 🙂
I enjoyed playing with it pinned to the base, nice to see all four legs wriggling around in one go 😄
just a shame I can't make it actually walk about .. 🙂

Seeing the way it moved pinned down, really made me want to see it fire that cannon - I was expecting it to then jump off

haha, glad you liked it Mat 🙂
I have been thinking about doing a stop motion animation all though I didn't build it with that in mind and the wires are quite spring, probably too long I reckon...
I might give it a go anyway, though it will need some planning out to get it looking something like reasonable 🙂

Choppa - Stop action animation? You could always try the way of Gerry Anderson - strings from above or wires/armatures from beneath. If the subject matter is that good (and, glory be, yours are beyond words) the strings/armatures become invisible to the viewer! And you can also move the background and not the model! Where is this all going to end? F.A.B./S.I.G./10-10/etc. 👍😎

haha Derek, I think if I was going to animate it for a TV show I would do it with computers etc. but I do think it would be fun to try a stop motion anim with it as it is, if I was going to do the puppet thing I would need to make some serious modifications to the model etc.
Don't get me wrong, I am fan of the style but at the same time I have a good idea of the effort involved in pulling it off properly 👍 😄
Anyhow here is an animation I made years ago using CG and that was a lot of effort as is, what these stop motion guys do for serious efforts is just another level !! 😄
Anyhow, heres my Robo Spider Anim 😄
Youtube Video

yeah I get that every time I fart Kerry, must be old age or the brand of beans I eat .... 😄

I am just at that age where I do enjoy a good grunt and a fart, but I was just smiling so much as I watched the "Robo_Spider" that I had to do all the 🙂's

Chop' mate found some ideas for you, thought the one with the light bulb was apt!!!

You're a gifted man in many ways Choppa. Looking at al the comments and your followers, you're gradually becoming a model-makers Guru ☺.

Don, yes I've always liked robots and the human machine etc. there are some similarities here but then similar problems will often yield similar solutions which is why most things that swim quickly in the seas tend to be pointy torpedo shapes 😄
Cheers Mr Marles 🙂
Steve, thanks for the link, love the freaky mechanics of those designs 👍 🙂
Lex, thank you hugely for the kind words, as for being a guru haha well, I can't but help think of all the other truly gifted modellers I look up to here on SCM but I do appreciate your encouragement 🙂

I agree that there are a bunch of talented and gifted modellers on SCM. Every day I see new projects witch show me that I can still learn a lot. But you are a modeller who really think outside the box. I admire that.

@Steve, thanks for that link being a scorpion fan the scorpion that he made spun me out.

@Michael... I can make some people happy!!! 😄 that's great Michael. 👍

I love all of them, my favorite being the Kugel Spatz as I told you before. I think they make a great base for anyone who would like to add some originality in the display case.
My only regret is that all models have a different scale. Maybe you should consider harmonizing the scales? 1/48 or 1/35 - it would be easier to create dioramas with your models then.
Anyway, count me in. I will follow this thread and your work with great pleasure.

Thanks again Lex, here's a link to someone I also admire for thinking outside the box, I love this guys work 🙂
Dieter Bihlmaier -> oldman
Xavier, thank you and you raise some good points too 🙂
These scratch builds have ended up being at different scales because of the kits I used to for the scratch'n'bash process I went through, once I've done the CAD work I can create them to any scale, I will of course be concentrating on the standard scales of 1/48, 1/35 and 1/24 when I come to kit them because I want them to fit in with what's already out there, especially figure wise as the figures are not something I am going to be able to produce at this stage, plus there are so many cool accessories for dioramas and other vehicles etc. that would sit well with these. That said one thing I will be able to offer is custom one off scales for those who want them, just in case some one wants a 1/13.5th Kugel Spatz etc. 😄
In my vision of WW2.1 all the vehicles of WW2 exist as well so combining Tiger tanks and Spitfires with these is entirely plausible in my fictional universe 😄

Thanks for the link. And I totally agree, another great scratch builder. Also a nice and inventive way to get rid of some of your plastic waste.

..... Wahoo, just won 2nd place for the Genessis Models Sci Fi GB with my Iron Wulf 😄
GB News about 38 minutes in etc. 🙂
Youtube Video

Nice execution! I like the use of common items, that is the way we used to do it at "The Shop" in the 80's. Congratulations, Choppa!

Congratulations Choppa! I have seen the other competition entries and I think (my opinion) that your effort and outcome is much better than the 1st placed White Star Dio! 🙂

..... Thanks Chaps ! 🙂
I know Dieter, I feel robbed, a worthy adversary,
...... whose work I like and admire hugely 😄
But I do appreciate your support Mr Bihlmaier 👍 🙂
Still though it was a fun GB and helped motivate me to get a few of these done, plus I get a trophy and a nice kit, all good 🙂

oh yeah and the dog tags 🙂
Just finishing up the GB gallery poster now 🙂

Thank you kindly chaps 🙂
Soren, I'm working on it, here's a preview of the CAD work so far 🙂

Well my prize and trophy arrived just in time for my birthday today,
thank you ever so much Bobby for the trophy and great kit 🙂
awesome tank kit with great moldings and 3 PE frets.....
and loads of great greeblies too !
I can feel another kit bash coming😉 😄😉 😄

So, !!! "Your in the book" Choppa. ?? !! Well done mate, and this will definitely help things along now for sure. 🙂 👍

Choppa, congratulations with your birthday! Hope you have a prosperous year.

Deep joy and happily greebles on your b'day Choppa, Here's to many more!

Congrats for the prize and trophy Mate. You sure deserve 👍 to many more😉

Mr CHOPP's Many happy returns of your birthday mate. 👍
And a big slap on the back for your well deserved awards. 🙂
None more deserving for your vision and ability to bring it to life so to speak. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍

Thank you all kindly and I am sorry for such a late reply, sorry I aint been around much, at all, I've been away for an extended period (no, not prison 🙂 ) due to family matters and everything else has had to take a back seat, I'm back home now trying to catch up with everything seems I've missed out on a lot while I was away.
hope all is good with you all 🙂

Oranges and Lemons...
Here comes that Choppa to chop off your 'ead!!! Welcome back Chopp. 🙂

haha, cheers chaps, the only heads I'll be chopping are the ones on carrots lol, I can feel a Monty Python sketch coming on 😄
Kees, I aint quite made it back to the bench yet, I have a lot sort out before I can put any serious time back on the bench but soon(ish) 🙂

"Brilliance takes a break." 👍
Sounds like the start of a good book. 🙂
Welcome home Mr Chopp's, good to know all is good. 🙂

Welcome back Choppa! I took a look at Genessis Models and the things you published there O_O. You're really a Jack of all trades!

haha Kerry, you are way too kind, think I need some Brasso in order to shine myself up again though 😉
Cheers Lex, as for Jack of all trades (master of none ? 😉 ) it's nice to have a broad range of interests though 😄
Here's my youtube channel just in case you want to see some of my other endeavours, guitar, flying, CG animation and short movies etc.
Youtube Video

Anyhow, nice to be back and I appreciate the warm welcome,
I have missed being here 🙂

Choppa, very glad to see all is, at least, relatively well. I was starting to wonder. Welcome back!

All is relatively well. Looking forward to seeing you back at it.

cheers bud, I have something a little bit different and more personal lined up for next project,
The Fat Angry Farmer .. a funny and true story in 1/48 or 1/35th scale, not quite decided, depends on the figures I guess 🙂
Anyhow, I hope it amuses 🙂
Link-> Angry Fat Farmer's Bell47 ploughing a field-A True Story | Album by Choppa Nutta <-Link

IT took me a while to read through this large tread. Meanwhile you have answered my questions. I do like the idea of the upside down helicpter turnde into a Bike.

Cheers Filip, glad you like 🙂
I must get back to this project and soon 🙂

Is your 'fat angry farmer' like any one we know from TV or the movies. ? 🙂 👍

Hello Choppa
I have looked at the video and I fell the jaw down. 🙂
This is not only a classy scratch construction but also a fully mobile toy.Total madness.Really great.
Also laughed at your humming tango.
And I can still learn a lot from you in things scratch / Kitbashin '(but I'm just starting)

Thank you kindly Markus 🙂
glad the video amused 😄
I don't see scratch'n'bash being something difficult for you, I've seen your work😉 😄
If were to suggest only one thing it is to have a vision of what you want to build from the beginning,
some kind of guiding sketch as a starting point upon which you can improvise later etc. 🙂

... Cheers Bart, I still have loads of ideas for this project.
Interestingly though I think I may have found a writer to explore the graphic novel side of things too but we shall, making kits ready for market is very involved though and I feel all my work on that front is still ahead of me but it is an ambition I would like to fulfill at some point 🙂
sorry the vid didn't work for you, try again later I guess, it is hosted on youtube after all 😄
Bart, here's the link again anyway 🙂
Youtube Video

I can write the tie-on novella 🙂
I did that for fun for some of my past (and present) dioramas, but don't get overly excited, it's all self-published, no editor involved, no turn down the quality expectations some (many) notches...

haha Martin, I do applaud you though, it is a big challenge to write a book and I wish you every success 🙂
I've only got about 8 pages in before I realised I need help.
Possibly one of the most challenging art forms, except perhaps for music.
Luckily I've met a writer who lives locally to me so we can brainstorm in real time so hopefully it might go somewhere 🙂

I just watched the vid an am highly impressed with the articulation. Too bad it all returns to the original position as it would make for great stop motion photography. A little motion tracking here, some green screen there and you have a vid of it walking into town scaring the heck out of the civies. Beautiful work, Choppa!

Cheers Taarna, it can be positioned but yes for stop frame anims it would be really hard work.
I had given some thought about making an animatronic puppeteer and use post processing to remove the wires etc. but to be honest it would be easier to build it in 3DS Max and animate in there 🙂
I may give the stop motion a go though just to see how much I could do in an afternoon, I do like the look of stop frame 🙂

Well, THAT is good to know, as I would hate to miss this happening. For sure. 😉
Album info
Ideas for Sci Fi Scratch & Bash model kits in to something novel and creative 🙂
Genessis Models Sci Fi GB triple combo entry -> genessis-models.webs..62653?pid=1292739317
Kugel Spatz Gun Bike 1/20 Final Reveal -> World War 2.1 - Kugel Spatz Gun Bike 1/20 Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta
Buffalo Hawk Aero Cannon 1/72 Final Reveal -> World War 2.1 - Buffalo Hawk Aero Cannon Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta
Iron Wulf Spinne Kannone 1/48 Final Reveal -> World War 2.1 - Iron Wulf Spinne Kannone Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta
Video demonstrating the articulating components on the Kugel Spatz and Iron Wulf, sorry about the quality as I used my phone to do the filming for a simple practical reason, the focusing is less fussy even thought the quality isn't as good as my better camera plus it was easier to mount on the light stand to do the filimg anyhow..
Youtube Video