A-6E Intruder
3 1 August 2015, 13:49

Today I did some scratch building to make the launch rails for the HARM missiles from the Eduard set fit the Italeri pylons. The kits parts are strongly simplified and as I plan to depict the wings folded up these pylons will have a very prominent position on the model.
2 August 2015, 20:08

Finished this one in October 2015. Here are the pics of the finished model.
1 March 2016, 21:01

I like it also,even though it reminds me of a flying Tadpole. LOL.
1 March 2016, 21:09

Yes, it might not be the most streamlined design but it definitely has something to it.
1 March 2016, 21:10

I have the Kinetic A-6E Tram in 1/48. It looks like it will be a nice one, don't know for sure, I have never built a Kinetic kit.
1 March 2016, 23:47

great looking bird. I do like the panel lines too. lot of detail for 1/72.
2 March 2016, 02:48

Really nice paintwork Ingmar, the panel line treatment is very graphic which I like. Great job 👍
2 March 2016, 03:08

Thank you very much for your nice comments!
@Clifford: sometimes I think about the 1/32 scale A-6. But 1/32 jets are just soooo big 😉
2 March 2016, 05:57

One of my 80's favorite in a very nice finish. Is it worth buying the italeri Intruder? My only experience with Intruders is from Fujimi...
2 March 2016, 08:33

Very well done!
The panel lines look good in this dark finish! 👍
2 March 2016, 14:05

Great job! I served as an egress mech on A-6E's with VMAT(AW)-202 and -121, doing two WestPacs with -121 on the USS Ranger.
2 March 2016, 14:34

Wow! Thank you all for your kind comments.
@Markus: I can not really comment on accuracy. The outer pylons should be placed directly at the folding mechanism. The "bombs" do require some filling. The rockets are rather bad. But otherwise I enjoyed the build. There where no fit issues. the cockpit is very detailed. I would build it again.
2 March 2016, 19:25

Da werden Jugenderinnerungen wach. Der Bausatz hat seit dem nichts von seinem Charme verloren. Tolles Modell Ingmar!
3 March 2016, 08:05
Album info
I really like the Intruder. Got this kit for 10€ from a club mate. Build OOB except for the HARM missiles. Those looked rather clumsy, so I replaced them with the excellent eduard parts. I did not detail the folding mechanism as I did not want to put too much time into this build. I did some detailing on the outer pylons but sadly I overlooked the fact, that those are positioned wrong on this kit. They should be directly at the edge of the folding mechanism. That would have been easy to correct if I had noticed it before painting. I'm aware, that the panel lines are very dark and give a strong contrast, but somehow I like this look. All in all I'm very happy with the result.