1 27 August 2015, 18:08

Detail is everything and there looks to be no shortage of it here. Great results. 🙂 👍
28 August 2015, 08:52

Dave, I am wondering if you have given your bird a coat of metalizer first and then the main colour over the top. ?
As I like doing that with the Testors metlaizer because the metalizer will allow a better 'chipping and flaking' result, because the metalizer wont 'hold' the top coat down. 🙂
This technique is great for armour as well. 🙂
21 September 2015, 23:10

Thanks for the comments guys! Kerry I just used Tamiya X-11, after that some chipping effects from Ammo.. Works great, first time using this product and really happy with the results.,but iII'll check out your technique with a SBD Dauntless that I have in hold.. Big fan of your work by the way! 🙂
22 September 2015, 00:02

Carlos, That's nice of you to compliment my work mate, I appreciate it a great deal. 🙂
I "discovered' the fact that the Testors buffing metalizer will not let the normal paints (Enamel and Acrylic) 'adhere' to it at all.
Especially after it has been "Buffed". :-/
Finding that the paint will easily chip and or flake off.
So now, instead of 'dry brushing' my chipped and worn paint work on armoured and aircraft surfaces, I just apply some gentle pressure on the areas I want to have the bare metal appear from under the paint is achieved with your finger nails.
As little or as much as you desire.
Cheers. 🙂
22 September 2015, 01:20

I like every bit of it! Very well done and hard to believe that this is 1:72. Stunning work mate!
16 October 2015, 17:12

Well done Carlos, like Christian M. wrote, it looks like a lot bigger scale. I like the gentle and convincing chipping
and weathering. Excellent piece of work !
18 October 2015, 10:35

Danke Hanno!, great work on your De Havilland so far.. Really humble by your comments...
18 October 2015, 20:25
Album info
Started a couple of weeks ago, my first Corsair...really nice kit.