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Cliff Jones (offset)

TBD-1 Devastator

Photo 1 of 10


18 November 2015, 17:10
Cliff Jones Autor
Thanks, James. I did one when I was a kid, and I just had to give it another go.
 18 November 2015, 21:26
Yellow Wing attracts more 👍, the Devastator is with me already long on the wish list, are GHW the model in new forms presentierte again
Your Monogram can be proud of, a great model, beautifully built, and in the colors, no question Yellow Wing 👍 👍 👍
 23 November 2015, 03:01
Cliff Jones Autor
Thanks, Jens. Yellow Wings are my favorites by far!
 23 November 2015, 03:02

Album info

Monogram box stock build

10 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 Devastator TBD-1 (Monogram 85-7575)

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