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Skalski's PZL P.11

Photo 1 of 9


14 December 2015, 22:59
Łukasz Gliński
Wow, such a vintage kit... As the wing panel lines are quite in still in a good condition and the wing roundels are soooo ugly, I guess the issue date of this one must somewhere around 1970-something 🙂 Respect!
 15 December 2015, 07:20
Looks like a neat little sport plane than a fighter. Nice work. Gary
 15 December 2015, 19:27
KollHBM Autor
Gary, Lukasz Thank you for the nice comments. The kit decals for the wing insignias were probably of the worst decals I ever used (unluckily the excellent Techmod decals were not yet available). I like the special form of the PZL P. 11 and I hope to buld another one in the future.
 17 December 2015, 00:52
John Thomas
Very nice
 6 January 2017, 01:41
Łukasz Gliński
Some say the new Azur is nice (except for some windscreen issues), but I didn't check this yet
 6 January 2017, 18:03
KollHBM Autor
Thank you for the comments. I know that the Heller and the Azur kit's are the nicer kits and there are also new decal sets covering exactly this plane, but that didn't help at the time i started the project.
 7 January 2017, 07:44

Project info

9 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 PZL P 11c (PZW NK 001)

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