Work in progress
Photo 1 of 37
12 January 2016, 21:27

Great work David! Really like how your slat step surgery turned out! Well done!
1 January 2017, 02:35

Nice Scooter with a lot of extra details. I will take a seat looking forward to the next step.
1 January 2017, 10:51

Just dropped in to say the idea for the pic 9 is awesome, mate 🙂 though 48 is completely not my cup of tea
1 January 2017, 17:44

Is it me or is there still a gap at the front end of the avionics hump? Otherwise I'm just drooling in silence....
2 January 2017, 05:48

Chippy is about to visit a paint booth. After a week of preparations, eliminating blemishes, scratches and other special guests on it's surface and of course priming all the tiny parts you have seen before. Wish me luck😉
7 January 2017, 17:53

Somebody with your skillset needs no luck😉 I bet it will turn out great!
7 January 2017, 18:27

Some progress - a lil but slower pace because of painting aircraft and detail parts all together, but that's a tradeoff for the quick pace on the final assembly line.
15 January 2017, 14:34

Painting stage almost done. There will be need to repair some areas as masks went down with the paint, but nothing serious😉
31 January 2017, 14:09

Looking good ! Still one of my all time favs, just a great looking aircraft.
2 February 2017, 01:59

Thank you for your comments guys😉 Fiddly bits in progress!
17 February 2017, 09:32

Nice paintjob on this scooter.. the devil is in the detail, and it's looking good
17 February 2017, 09:43

the details look excellent on the small parts. looking forward to see it finished
17 February 2017, 09:48

Really nice Scooter!!! I've got a couple of them in the bench waiting to be completed too. Classy!!!
17 February 2017, 16:02

Thank you guys. I am tackling the fiddly bits and they're pushing boundaries of my patience to the new limits 😄
24 February 2017, 08:28

Oh yeah...fiddly parts can drive one crazy..
Your scooter is looking great. How did you do the yellow bands around the bombs? Painted? (if painted, how did you mask this...?)
24 February 2017, 11:01

@Benoit Thank you mate! Yellow bands are painted. I've used Olfa Compass Circle Cutter and Tamiya tape. I'd love to tell you exact diameter, but I forgot to take notes. I've cut circa 4 mm stripes and shot some white paint first as a base (because of opacity of light colors) and then yellow.
24 February 2017, 16:16

Iron bombs finished. Now the fun part - markings and weathering of the actual aircraft.
16 March 2017, 17:54

Everything is looking fantastic so far Davis. I can't wait to see it completed.
16 March 2017, 21:01

Thanks mates! I just uploaded a couple of new pictures. Painting stage is over and now it's time for decals. Not my favourite stage (except stencil data, which is an exact opposite), but the weathering is near. I really hope it will meet my goals. Enjoy 🙂
21 March 2017, 10:06

Thanks guys. Decals are done. All it needs is weathering now 🙂
26 March 2017, 10:11

Very good work David! This is looking really smart. Started a Hasegawa A-4 myself too, a TA-4J to be precise. A very fine kit, hope it turns out as nice as yours.. 👍
26 March 2017, 20:29

Thanks mates 🙂 I just uploaded a picture of the Escapac bang seat. My first attempt to paint with Vallejo Model Color.
11 April 2017, 09:05

Thanks guys 🙂
@Adam G. Yes, actually, that's what going to happen tonight.
11 April 2017, 14:44

REEEEEALLY looking sweet David! I am looking forward to seeing it with a little weathering. I just started my Hasegawa A-4M this past weekend, and I am still trying to shoehorn in the Aires cockpit. I have officially decided I will never buy another aftermarket cockpit again. LOL
11 April 2017, 14:49

specially true with Aires Michael, but when you manage to get them there, they look so good.... 😄 that you will forget for next model
11 April 2017, 15:08

Thanks guys. Now you can see some weathering on this little bird😉
13 April 2017, 14:56

That´s really great! Your weathering skills are remarkable, I l really like your Scooter!
13 April 2017, 16:12

That just looks fantastic David. Really nice, restrained weathering which is perfect for GG/Wht scheme. What did you use to accomplish this? I am curious because I always seem to overdo it a bit... LOL
13 April 2017, 16:48

Thank you mates! Scooter is done and off my bench. I did not have a chance to take proper pictures, so I am adding just one photo to let you know. Thank you for your support all the way through the entire building progress. Now it's time to move forward.
26 April 2017, 06:54

Wow, what an excellent job on a classic subject! Love the lines and scheme on this one! Fantastic
26 April 2017, 15:26

Absolutely fantastic! As I am building this same kit now, I see yours is perfection compared to how I handled some of the construction (the Aires cockpit fiasco kinda took the wind out of my sails on it unfortunately). I cannot wait to see more pics of the final product!
26 April 2017, 17:09

What's that stuff you're using as weight in the nose? Looks like black play-doh
30 April 2017, 10:47

Since I'm just building this kit... what did you use as a noseweight and do you remember how much you put in? Thanks in advance!
4 December 2017, 21:45

@David Uschi van der Rosten Three Green. It's basically lead sticky clay. Check the picture #2 in this gallery.
4 December 2017, 21:52

One beautiful scooter ! Paintwork and details are masterly done, congrats !
11 December 2017, 19:53