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Michael Franz (elmarriachi)

Albatros B.II early

Photo 1 of 35


1 22 February 2016, 09:45
Great shading on the wings
 22 February 2016, 10:16
Cristian Bordina
What a show 🙂
 22 February 2016, 13:12
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Great !
 22 February 2016, 13:37
Bart Goesaert
nice, really nice. The linen effect is great...
 22 February 2016, 16:17
Choppa Nutta
lovely work, I wish I could do subtly like that !! 🙂
 22 February 2016, 16:24
Peter Neugebauer
 28 February 2016, 19:39
Gordon Sørensen
Fantastic wood and linen effects! Great job Micha!
 28 February 2016, 19:51
Markus Antonius
what scale is this?
 28 February 2016, 20:29
Choppa Nutta
I was curious about that too so I had a look through Micha's stash and it's one hell of an awesome stash !
loads of Zoukei Mura and Wingnut Wings kits ! 🙂

I reckon it's the 1/32nd version of this -

 28 February 2016, 20:47
Ulf Petersen
Awesome wood and fabric painting, Micha!👍
 29 February 2016, 06:28
Michael Franz Autor
Thanks a lot! Yes, thats Wingnut WIngs Albatros B.II early - 1/32 🙂
 29 February 2016, 07:39
Bernhard Schrock
 14 March 2016, 13:45
Soeren R.
Awesome work!
 14 March 2016, 13:46
Mike Grant
Fantastic 👍
 14 March 2016, 16:12

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