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Michael Wohltmann (megamic)

Boeing B-17 G" 1602 "Hammers Squadron

Photo 1 of 6


8 March 2016, 22:20
 8 March 2016, 22:31
Bryce Nicely
I love it. Really nice seeing a Fort in different markings
 9 March 2016, 00:26
Mike Grant
Very cool 👍
 9 March 2016, 01:32
Choppa Nutta
cool 👍
 9 March 2016, 01:47
Superb, like this a lot!
 9 March 2016, 06:09
Ulf Petersen
Israel had B-17 in service?! Fascinating!
Very attractive, Michael! 👍
 9 March 2016, 06:29
Soeren R.
 9 March 2016, 06:32
Erik Leijdens
Very beautiful!
 9 March 2016, 08:19
Łukasz Gliński
Impressive weathering and unusual camo 🙂
 9 March 2016, 10:16
Aaron Ma
 9 March 2016, 11:27
Flemming Forsberg
cool job, i like the cammo. i am also doing a 1:32 b17
 9 March 2016, 11:31
Michael Wohltmann Autor
thanks ,guys !!
 9 March 2016, 13:03
Dave Flitton
Nicely done!!
 9 March 2016, 21:33

Album info

this is my build of the famous Mickey Mouse decorated B-17 ,it's the Revell kit 1:72 ,for more Information click here (german language ) :bremermodellbauclub...rie/luftfahrt/props/

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