North American X 15 A2
Photo 1 of 10
1 1 April 2016, 15:39

will be going through all the X Planes Hanno ? 🙂
anyhow, a nice wee vid on the X15 😄
Youtube Video

6 April 2016, 11:11

Yep, that's the plan Choppa, as far as I can get my hands on the necessary kits. X 1 A & B, as well as the D 558 / 2 Skyrocket are already waiting. There will be a F 104 in NASA markings too.
Let's see how far I can get... 😉
Thanks for the link ! Man I really love these old Technicolor US propaganda films !
This one's worth watching too :Youtube Video

6 April 2016, 12:25

great video Hanno ! 🙂
lucky everyone was ok, and a testament to the design team for making that accident survivable !!
6 April 2016, 13:23

Hanno, What does 'burned black' look like ? 👍
This looks a most interesting project Hanno, Good times. 🙂
6 April 2016, 13:58

the original eggsperimental plane 😄
6 April 2016, 14:20

Thanks Kerry, that was in fact the decisive question, when I talked about the project with Bernhard earlier on, who was able to lay his hands on one of the surviving X 15 in an US museum, . The skin of the X 15 was made of a special alloy called Inconel X, which is responsible for the metaly looking colour of the skin. The bird actually was unpainted.
So I´m going to use a dark grey mixed with Metal pigments in different shades and intensities.
The lighter panels will be masked and sprayed with very thin coats of Alclad Pale Burnt Metal mixed with
Stainless Steel.
Choppa : Indeed the mother of all eggs - planes (((( 😄)))). Lots of funnies around in those days.
6 April 2016, 16:07

Hanno, Hi buddy. 🙂
I saw the images posted here and I did notice the different colourations of the segments of the skin, and I thought that you will have an amazing model with all that effect, for sure. 🙂 👍
6 April 2016, 22:49

X 15 finished. Unfortunately the decals show some silvering, despite the fact that I used Mr. Mark Setter quite meticiously..... Well, anyway, I hope you like it . 🙂
11 April 2016, 09:52

Looks really good Hanno, I like the subtle tonal variations in the finish 👍
11 April 2016, 13:35

The X - 15 on this scale can not be seen often . I like it very much.
11 April 2016, 15:25

Thank you all for Our kind words mates, I'm proud that you like it! 🙂
11 April 2016, 16:10

Very realistic paint work in comparison with the 1. Picture! Congrats Hanno!
11 April 2016, 17:53

Thank you Eric, Christian, Bernhard and Lex, much appreciated !
12 April 2016, 11:54

Hanno, I am sure there would be a lot of senior USAF personnel who would leap at the opportunity to have your work either on their desk or in their display cabinet.
The overall 'effect' is stunning my friend and I am positive there will be some well earned awards yet to come.
Superb result. 🙂 👍
13 April 2016, 06:42

Thank you Ekki and Michel 🙂 ! @ Ulf :Thank you ! Will you be in Lübeck to take a closer look at it ?
@ Kerry : Thanks for your praise mate, that`s a nice idea ! 🙂
13 April 2016, 07:04