Vietnam diorama (done in the 90's)
61 31 May 2016, 14:33

the battle damaged Buddha and the dude with the coke ist cooool!
23 August 2016, 11:13

Awesome scene Spanjaard, please don't tell me you sculpted the Buddha! 😄
3 April 2017, 20:03

nooo, that is a very old Verlinden kit. i simply painted it 20 years ago. i still remember seeing a dio from maybe Verlinden and immediately knowing i had to buy that Buddha myself 🙂
3 April 2017, 20:20

I don't care how dusty or old it is. It looks great. Something to be proud of, even after some 20 years.
3 April 2017, 21:20

thanks for your kind words. it is still one of my favourite works. pity it is in a box at my parents house.
3 April 2017, 21:22

Still, pretty darn nice any way you look at it Spanjaard !! Hadn't noticed it before now.
21 May 2017, 03:43

thanks Robert. it is a very old dio 20+ plus, from my first modelling times. some things could have been done better, but i still like it a lot. pity is inside of a box at my parents.
21 May 2017, 10:39

WOW Spanjaard, what a cool diorama. I like the guy with the coke too, i did not see him until the closeup photo. He is very good hidden. Very authentic dio with lovely details. Well done and it is in a very good condition for that that it is over 20 year old. Which materials did you used for vegetation? Are this dried natural leaves and materials? Thanks for sharing this piece.
21 May 2017, 11:30

well, the pictures are old too... i think i took them quite a few years ago. Yes, all the vegetation was natural, I think. I believe plants in the Budha were some glued aromatic herbs from my mom cabinet. The rest, from home plants (thanks again to my mother), or from the nearest forest (then they look good to me, but pine trees in Vietnam... i doubt it 😛).
I really enjoyed doing this dio, but for sure nothing looks green by now 😄 well, maybe it was an area affected by the chemicals used to kill vegetation 😄
21 May 2017, 22:02

i remember specialy adding scratch build things, like the empty can of food at the feet of the guy next to the budha, or the box of cokes, the acetilene box, of the magazine in the hands of the reading guy. finding that small picture was hard! today, you can print it at home, and even download from the internet the correct front page for the period 😄
21 May 2017, 22:04

Thanks a lot Rui. After a long time away from the bench I have now a dedicated area for modelling and I am back in the bench. No pictures posted yet. Dioramas will be great, but nothing planned for now
9 October 2021, 18:16

Well I am a lot in the room, since covid started is also my office, not exactly what I was planning when we decided to have a "hobby room" (no man cave since it is shared with my girlfriend)
9 October 2021, 23:38

thanks a lot Neuling, really appreciated. i have some planes for some dios, but just ideas......
30 November 2022, 12:16

thanks a million Sacha! such a compliment from one of the best dio builder in this community means a lot to me 🙂
1 December 2022, 13:52

Well you are welcome Sacha, totally deserved 🙂
Markus Antonius, I see u did the m113 from tamiya as well, but you did with full tracks, I did not even know that existed back then 🙂
3 December 2022, 18:42

Spaanjaard: Neither did i - but the tamia 113 was my favorite there already.
3 December 2022, 21:18

Wow! Great build up of a diorama! All those little touches just makes it a gem - especially the older full of Coca Cola. 😀
31 July 2023, 15:23
Album info
Vietnam diorama, from my old times.... even the pictures are from ages ago
Tamiya M113 with my first weathering and airbrushing attempts. Also first Verlinden figures that I ever used. It can be done better, but that was what I was capable of 20 years ago. Pity I did not do much modelling time during those years.
I wish i would have removed the dust before taking the pictures 😛
today probably it looks even worse, since it has been inside of a box for more than a decade....