ICM Mig 31
Photo 1 of 6
6 June 2016, 09:13

Thanks mates for the nice words. It is the same mig from the album from March 2016. I have upload the pics in this album but it don't push the album on top on newsfeed. So I have made a new album.
6 June 2016, 16:46

this is very nice MiG - actually I don't like the shape of the MiG-31 ver y much but this is scheme improves the looks a lot. And yes: the paintjob is (again) exceptionally great!
6 June 2016, 16:52

Moin Martien, die Mig 31 in einem attraktiven Farbkleid, zum Bau noch worte zu verlieren , überflüssig, weil bei dir immer Extraklasse 👍 👍 👍
9 June 2016, 07:15