Italeri F-14A Tomcat - Completed!
1 18 July 2016, 14:42

Thanks Germen, Hagel, and Murad, I really appreciate the kind words!
18 July 2016, 18:28

no problem, the fact that you got this result from the Italeri kit, I tried to build one also a few years age and i found it was a very poor fit, lots of sanding, finally I took the decals, the full cockpit, wheels and ammo and tossed the rest in my Parts Express container.
19 July 2016, 10:56

Thanks everyone for the compliments, it really makes my day!
19 July 2016, 13:59

but there is a little thingie tha i must point you on with this ali cats, and if someone can correct me if i'm wrong, i used to have the Ali Cat in Fujimi 1/72nd and i belive it's was marked that the Iranian Cats dindn't had the refeulingporbe door.
20 July 2016, 10:43

You are correct Germen, Iranian Cats did not have refueling probe doors because they used the boom style refueling type. Even the Navy would remove them sometimes if they were going to refuel from Air Force planes since they could be knocked off and become FOD.
Anyway, I just build OOB and really am not into scratch building yet. I have only been building models for about a year now, so I still have a lot to learn.
20 July 2016, 12:20

Michael, no problem, remember there are never 2 aircarft identical.But a big shout out for you to achieve this after only one year off modelling.
20 July 2016, 12:34

Thanks Germen, Aris, Agustin, Arash, and Stephen! I really appreciate the kind words!
18 December 2016, 16:13