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perry leung wai ho (perryleu)


Photo 1 of 36


25 August 2016, 02:47
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice.
 22 September 2016, 02:17
Łukasz Gliński
Indeed, watching too
 22 September 2016, 08:52
John Thomas
Very nice
 22 September 2016, 12:34
Bryn Crandell
Looking good. What paint did you use?
 22 September 2016, 13:04
Harry Eder
Very nice Perry 👍
 22 September 2016, 14:15
 22 September 2016, 16:14
Scott Hastings
Pretty Blue Bird!!!
 22 September 2016, 19:43
perry leung wai ho Autor
Hi Bryn Crandell, I chose the color is "Mr. hobby NO.328 - FS15050 BLUE ANGELS".
 23 September 2016, 01:51
perry leung wai ho Autor
Thank you all for the appreciation and support.
 23 September 2016, 02:21
perry leung wai ho Autor
Hi Bryn Crandell, Me again,You can go and see, I have put in the album.
 23 September 2016, 05:33
Bryn Crandell
Thank you Perry.
 4 October 2016, 01:49
Murad ÖZER
 4 October 2016, 05:30
Clifford Keesler
Very nice job.
 4 October 2016, 17:17

Album info

Finally, I would choose to open the cabin, so it is unfinished. 23/09/2016

It will be finished soon. 22/09/2016

There are over a year, and there are hands to build models of the season, in the production, also need some time to complete

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