Lauster Wargel LW-5
1 30 August 2016, 13:18

Had to google this one to find out that it is actually something like a mine sweeper, looks cool!
6 October 2016, 18:01

It is a resin kit from New Connection / Kraut Kits. The LW-5 was planned as tractor for heavy tanks or other heavy cars. But also used as tractor for the "Schützengrabenpflug". But it was no mine sweeper 🙂
7 October 2016, 08:16

Jep 🙂 Kraut Kits 🙂 No joke ... 🙂 I had to laugh as well about that name 🙂 And I still do anytime I read it ..... 🙂 🙂 🙂
10 October 2016, 15:21