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Dmitri Kouterguine (Zheleznuke)

DET-250 initial

Photo 1 of 8


2 21 October 2016, 09:39
Hanno Kleinecke
What a battered and bruised looking workhorse, I can almost smell the oil...... fantastic work.
 21 October 2016, 11:03
John Thomas
Nice work
 21 October 2016, 12:20
That is amazingly good, inside and out. It could pass for the real thing. Well done.
 21 October 2016, 16:15
Christian Ristits
This is Fantastic!
 21 October 2016, 17:12
Outstanding! Very nice work! 👍
 21 October 2016, 17:20
Christian Bruer
 21 October 2016, 17:43
very very impressed!
 21 October 2016, 18:40
Bernhard Schrock
Excellent model and very realistic look.
 21 October 2016, 20:20
Dmitri Kouterguine Autor
Thank you for positive comments guys!
 21 October 2016, 20:34
Weird machine very well presented!
 6 October 2018, 10:23
Dmitri Kouterguine Autor
Thanks! Not that weird if you seen them alive. In my childhood it became ordinary but still impressive. Oh I still remember this tank engine sound... 🙂
 6 October 2018, 19:04

Project info

8 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 Soviet DET-250 dozer (Red Iron Models RIM35021)

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