Polikarpov I-153 - ICM -
Photo 1 of 7
1 15 December 2016, 20:35

really beautiful. well done. and Bonne fêtes de fin d'année to you too 🙂
15 December 2016, 20:40

Hi Chris. No, there was no problem with the kit decals. I'was anxious about silvering, but there was not such problem.
15 December 2016, 20:43

I love the Russian "Kraftei", your implementation I like absolutely, beautiful airbrush work, simply beautiful to see
A link to the original, a bit down, the 4th described Polikarpov 🙂
15 December 2016, 20:58

love the squiggles, ive got this still to build and like that scheme, but not sure i have the subtle dexterity with an airbrush to compliment it as well as you have.
17 December 2016, 19:36
Album info
Hi Guys,
This is my last release of the year. The ICM 1/48 - Polikaprov I-153.
It's an easy and fast kit to build. If I were to do another one, I would probably spend more time in detailing the cockpit. Maybe next time.... ;<)
I'hope you like kit.
Bonne fêtes de fin d'année à tous.