Italeri Dassault Mirage F-1 Confederate States Air Force

Great build. Like your scenario. I've been alternating between building and Shelby Foote's The Civil War, what are the odds? 😉

This is very cool Gary !!! I'm a big fan of the Mirage family, especially the Mirage III's and the F1's. Here in South Africa we used them for quite a while. We still have a couple flying here.

Thanks Chris! Glad you liked her, I've read some stories about exploits of South African Mirages. Have you built any in those markings?

Not yet Gary. I do have quite a few Mirage kits. I'm starting on one of them a bit later this year. I'm going to convert it into our upgraded version of the Mirage III, the Cheetah C. I also have this Italeri kit that you used. Gonna make a cutaway out of that one.

That sounds quite ambitious, good luck with both projects. And, be sure to post them here! 🙂

Not only a terrific model, but some pretty convincing photography as well! 🙂 👍 👍

Those are some really nice comments Derek. Thanks much!! 🙂
Album info
What if? What if the Confederate States of America had survived the American Civil War? What if the CSA had survived right up into the present? Well, that's the premise behind this aircraft. I created a scenario in which today's CSA co-exists with the USA here in the 21st Century. For brevity's sake, I won't bore everyone with the whole story, but I envisioned CSAF squadrons that were named for Confederate war heroes. I imagined four Maritime Air Stations; Norfolk, Charleston, Tampa and Biloxi, Miss. These squadrons are named after famous cavalry commanders of the Civil War. This CSAF Mirage F-1 is assigned to the Nathan B. Forrest Squadron based at Biloxi. Their primary mission is anti-ship interdiction. My "what if" Confederacy requires imported aircraft due to an aircraft industry that still hasn't reached maturity, nor any sort of parity with their neighbor, the United States. In these pictures, we see a CSAF Mirage F-1 at a small airfield in the Republic of Texas (yes, there's a "what if" story there too