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The Elder
Martien Lourens (The Elder)

Zvezda Mig 29 Swifts

Photo 1 of 9


5 March 2017, 17:30
Thomas Bischoff
looks like another colourful bird
 5 March 2017, 18:07
I'll be watching this,
 5 March 2017, 18:39
John Thomas
Very cool
 5 March 2017, 19:09
looking good so far 🙂
 6 March 2017, 18:38
Scott Dutton
Courageous paint job, and judging by previous results and WIP it will be sensational
 7 March 2017, 11:55
Łukasz Gliński
Following with interest
 31 March 2017, 10:52
Bart Goesaert
looking very good and a work of patience...
 31 March 2017, 11:12
Maciej Bellos
Great masking job. Well done mate.
 12 April 2017, 03:35
Bart Goesaert
very nice...
 12 April 2017, 07:07

Album info

I try to do it with airbrush. And only used the number decals.

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