Diorama North Africa
24 March 2017, 19:12

Niiiice, When we apply the idea on "paper" and model it to give a sense and clear execution of our idea, everything becomes more interesting and therefore better executed, more accurate and detailed. Count me in!!!
25 March 2017, 16:11

I am using SketchUp Make, which is free for personal use... It is my first attempt in using it for planning a diorama...
28 March 2017, 06:48

Just thinking of downsizing the Dio to the Tiger alone. What do u think? Would perfectly fit the new base
2 November 2017, 13:20

NO!!!! Go big and keep your Mates entertained. We are all into this project.
11 November 2017, 23:00

Servus Xerxes. Habe gerade auf einem deiner Fotos einen Bierdeckel der Hofstettner Brauerei gesehen. Wohnst du im Mühlviertel?
11 November 2017, 23:35

Die Welt ist klein, nicht wahr? Ich bin auch Mühlviertler und wohne auch da - in St. Peter am Wimberg. Kann es sein, dass wir uns schon mal über den Weg gelaufen sind. Z.B. bei der Modellbau Messe Ried?
12 November 2017, 16:14

figures looking good, but what happened with the base? did you have an earthquake there? 🙁
26 November 2017, 12:08

Hi Spanjaard. Thx for your feedback. Actually dont really know what happended to the base. It seems as the modeling clay got cracks during the drying process. Used a clay similar to DAS clay. I have also done another testpiece on foamboard and the same cracks appeared. I am really thankful for inputs, tips and experiences of you all on how to prevent this?
26 November 2017, 12:28

I had some smaller cracks in my Via Balbia project.
Although I've used thin DAS layers, over the cardboard to do the road, first when wet I've got bubbles than the cracks appeared in the next days when dry, so (instead using just water) I used some white glue when I applied the next several layers to smooth the surface and the cracks end up disappearing.
27 November 2017, 22:55

Hi Rui. Thx for your Input. I will give it a try on a testpiece. Thankfully i have not started to paint the base yet. So there is still time to fix it...
28 November 2017, 07:49

Hi Xerxes,
I Hope it will help you getting the result your looking for. 🙂
28 November 2017, 08:48

So finally finished 🙂. Was my first complete scratchbuilt diorama... Hope u like. Feedback is highly encouraged...
16 December 2017, 21:38

You can be very proud of this diorama Xerxes, especially as it is your first scratch build. You have set your bar very high so, we are all dying to find out, what's next? Well done Mate!!
16 December 2017, 22:01