Fujimi A-4M and OA-4M
4 May 2017, 23:51

Lookin' good man! Lot's of A-4M love going on around here lately 😉 Looking forward to seeing this and your OA-4M progress!
5 May 2017, 01:20

Thanks Michael. Started decaling the OA-4M last night. Working the two together is nice since they are the same kit aside from the cockpit and spinal hump.
5 May 2017, 11:25

OA-4M declas applied. I don't like the decals since the shadowing doesn't line up with the paint work you apply based on the instructions. They are okay, but I would've gone with some aftermarket if I had some. Didn't know so I did the best I could with them.
9 May 2017, 13:39

Thank you Ekki and Martin. Scooters are quite a nice little plane. I got hooked on them when I saw the Blue Angels fly back in the 80s before I joined the Air Force.
21 July 2017, 14:43