modelarska baza danych | zarządzanie magazynem
David Andrs (andrsd)



30 24 June 2017, 17:52
C Marques de Sá
Excellent! Love it!
 25 June 2017, 00:45
Alec K
Wow, really nice model Dave. You got the weathering down 👍. Not too much, just right.
 25 June 2017, 01:51
Nice Job!
 25 June 2017, 11:59
David Andrs Autor
Thanks, guys!
 25 June 2017, 13:09
Lex Jassies
Very good looking beast. Love the weathering!
 25 June 2017, 13:20
Dan M
Nice truck! I really like the dusted look on the lower side, just the right amount in my opinion!
 26 June 2017, 07:01
Alistair Graham
Looks great, very realistic
 26 June 2017, 07:08
David Andrs Autor
Thanks everyone!
 29 June 2017, 01:16
Splendit 👍
 29 June 2017, 08:30
Ingo F
Awesome. 👍 Right amount of weathering and dusting.
 29 June 2017, 08:33
Bart Goesaert
pretty impressive truck... nicely built, painted and weathered... congratz...
 29 June 2017, 09:42
Robert W Martel
AWSOME !! Totally beautiful, weathering is perfect ! Super Nice Showstopper !!!!! That's the nicest vehicle I've seen yet. 👍
 30 June 2017, 03:54
David Andrs Autor
Thanks again to everyone who looked and your nice words.
 2 July 2017, 16:42
👍 🙂
 18 January 2024, 00:03
👍🙂 2
 18 January 2024, 08:21
Great build and weathering. The way the dust carries up from the tires to the body is perfect!
 18 January 2024, 12:06
Jonathon Herring
Great job. Weathering is subtle and dead on👍👏
 18 January 2024, 15:06
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work!
 18 January 2024, 15:24
Rui S
I agree, Very well done 👍
 27 January 2024, 18:58

Project info

8 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 KrAZ-255B (HobbyBoss 85506)
RU Русская армия (Russian Army 1992-now)


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