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Marek Lakatos (Raptur3)

Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-4 AZmodel

Photo 1 of 5


23 August 2017, 14:30
Christian Bruer
Very nice finish 👍 I just got the AZ kit too. Was there any trouble with the build?
 23 August 2017, 14:53
Marek Lakatos Autor
Thank you, yes the new F versions are very nice kits, no problems with fitting at all.
 23 August 2017, 15:05
Choppa Nutta
nice 🙂
 23 August 2017, 15:19
Gordon Sørensen
Another great looking '109, Marek!
 23 August 2017, 17:38
Ed Froix
 23 August 2017, 18:23
Stephan Ryll
Very nice lookin 109 👍
 23 August 2017, 18:54
very nice 109 indeed
 23 August 2017, 21:20
nice work!👍
 23 August 2017, 21:42
Paulo Castro
Very nice model. I really like your paint job. Congrats!
 24 August 2017, 01:52

Album info

Stab/3JG plane flown by Maj. Gunther von Lutzow, Chatalowka, Soviet Union, October 1942

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