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Martin R. (MooseMeister)

Clanker Tank


11 4 October 2017, 10:01
Philippe Bouq'
an AT-ST, a snowspeeder... great art! other pics ?
 23 December 2017, 19:29
Martin R. Autor
Thanks! I posted most of the photos in the album (the diorama is mine, the background is printed art from - I believe "Battlefield I" - then grayscaled, duotoned, noise-adde 🙂
 24 December 2017, 12:02
John Thomas
Very cool
 24 December 2017, 12:31
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very unique project! 👍 Cool!
 10 November 2021, 20:18
Really cool and really fun! Noting this project for inspiration!!
 13 November 2021, 01:27
Ben M
Kugelpanzer sighted!
 13 November 2021, 01:53
Alex Rodionov
Superb idea and realisation. 👍
 13 November 2021, 05:53
You have to come up with this idea first, great: idea, structure, implementation and then the photos in b/w, ❤️️ it
 13 November 2021, 08:31
Martin R. Autor
Thanks a lot, guys!
 13 November 2021, 10:03

Album info

I (slightly) steamified the A7V, current status is assembled (mostly) and not yet weathered...

30 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 A7V Tank (Meng Model TS-017)1:35 A7 Tank Barrel (Aber 35L164)1:48 AT-ST (Bandai 0194869)3+

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