Ringtrichter-Richtungshörer(RRH) auf Sd.Ah.104
Photo 1 of 34
1 8 October 2017, 09:48

Thanks Rui!
I started working on this project 18 months ago.
Hit a snag with the wheels-yet a fellow modeller from USA sent me a pair of Tamyia's Flak 88.
Then again hit a snag with the fenders...
They're prewar production, so full of double curvatures and hard to model.Tried several approaches and various materials, all in vain.
Then 2 days ago a friend of mine gave me 2 sprues from Ark Model's 8.8 cm PAK 43. I did a test filing of one fender and it worked.
So I restarted the project.
I plan to build a Wuerzburg radar on Sd.Anh.104 too.
17 February 2019, 14:02

No... Bulgarian Henschels were only used in bridge units.
It must have been the other m.gl. Einheits LKW- the Einheitsdiesel(MAN production).The 150 cm. search light,its organic compressor and the RRH were all towed by the Einheitsdiesel. These trucks served well into the 1950's.
4 Wuerzburg sets(coupled to 4 Freya sets), operated by German staff, were deployed in Bulgaria in 1941-they were all transfered to Bulgaria in late 1943.
So if these radars were moved at all- their prime mover must have been the Einheitsdiesel.
17 February 2019, 17:06

Glad you got back on this Angel. But, looking at those listening ears, nut sure there is ANY curvature/complexity you can't model😉
19 February 2019, 15:16

Thanks Alec!
I must admit-those were the most complicated features I have built sofar.
And I still have a lot of work to make them look the part 🙂
19 February 2019, 16:17

intriguing subject, and very, very well executed so far... don't where you keep getting these ideas.. but I love 'm....
22 February 2019, 12:39

Thanks Bart! I model equipment, that was used by the Bulgarian Army in the last 140 years.Like the RRH 🙂
22 February 2019, 13:07

That I know, but I'm astounded by the variety of subjects that I never heard off...
22 February 2019, 13:21

Roland,Joerg,gorbygould-thank you for your kind words, gentlemen!
16 March 2019, 21:02

I thought so - didn't look like a search light. The UK had these weird concave walls on the south and east coast that focused sound too - like the one in this link douglas-self.com/MUSEUM/COMMS/ear/ear.htm#wall
26 March 2019, 17:11

Incredible build. Such detail and from scratch. Truly impressive! Also thanks for the link, playtime. Learn something new every day.
26 March 2019, 17:57

No way! It'd be like selling your children! .... Except when they become teenagers, then you'd pay for someone to take them... Hopefully this model will never reach puberty.
29 March 2019, 21:21

Thanks Tom and Rui!
I would not sell my models for whatever reason.
On the other hand, SWMBO might give them away as gifts😉
Thanks Holger!
I started painting yesterday and intend to finish the RRH this week...because I need to start construction of the Pf.11(Pontonwagen) from Typ B Bridge.
3 April 2019, 20:32

The subject matter that modellers take on compared with just 10 years ago is fascinating. !
Thoroughly enjoyed looking through your build. 🙂
I love it. 👍
5 April 2019, 19:55

Thanks Holger!
I somehow miss the multi- media look😉
Thanks Alec K!
I still have to make some weathering.That's not my best part, so let's hope I won't mess up.
Thanks Hans Haag!
1/35th scale is 20 times bigger than 1/700th, so my scratchbuilding is 20 times easier than yours 🙂
That's a big praise from a great modelling master!
I really appreciate it-thank you!
7 April 2019, 18:51

Your skills are way beyond anything I would try Angel. And after looking through and seeing the materials you used, well, you got to be so proud of what you have achieved. No bull. !! 😉 👍
7 April 2019, 21:36