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Christian (Styrolschnitzer)

P-51D Swiss Air Force

Photo 1 of 13


1 8 October 2017, 14:01
Christian Autor
The P-51D from the swiss air force, painted with vallejo metal color and different model air colors.
 8 October 2017, 14:09
John Thomas
Nice work
 8 October 2017, 15:39
Christian Autor
thanks a lot
 9 October 2017, 13:01
Erik Leijdens
Great job Christian, nice nmf!
 9 October 2017, 14:02
Christian Autor
thank you very much
 10 October 2017, 07:30
Thomas Bischoff
just stumbled across it - great work! How were the Matterhorn Circle decals?
 17 February 2018, 17:43
Christian Autor
The decals have a very good quality, the carrier film is pretty thin. I needed a very small amount of softener.
 18 February 2018, 16:11
very nice. beautiful NMF
 19 February 2018, 00:00
Tim Heimer
I like it! Nice
 19 February 2018, 12:51
Robert Paschall
Very nice work on the NMF.
 19 February 2018, 17:29
Stephan Ryll
Very nice Mustang 👍
 19 February 2018, 17:33
Christian Autor
😳 Many thanks for this positive feedback, guys.
 20 February 2018, 14:58
Clifford Keesler
Very nice.
 21 February 2018, 00:25

Project info

13 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 North American P-51D Mustang 8th AF (Tamiya 61040)1:48 P-51D Mustang - Exhausts (Quickboost QB 48 054)1:48 P-51D Mustang (Matterhorn Circle MC48011)

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