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joe strenko (jstrenko)

Some completed dioramas

Photo 1 of 24


5 May 2018, 16:53
excellent dios! each deserve its own album.... and WIP albums would be great for all of us to learn quite a few things 🙂
 5 May 2018, 20:57
Guy Rump
Lovely dioramas, excellent models. 🙂
 5 May 2018, 21:03
joe strenko Autor
Thank you all very much... never expected anyone to actually view and comment.. very humbled here indeed.. thank you
 5 May 2018, 22:22
Great collection !
 5 May 2018, 22:27
Rui S
I agree nice dio collection 👍
 5 May 2018, 22:58

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