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WIP of Ford T Light Delivery Car

Photo 1 of 39


3 10 May 2018, 20:51
bughunter Autor
Decals are done - this was not a nice experience with that decals of ICM.
 11 May 2018, 21:31
what is the problem?
 11 May 2018, 23:09
Marcel Klemmer
But it looks nice with the decals Bughunter
 12 May 2018, 06:43
bughunter Autor
I had some trouble with the decals, folds, not moveable, flipped inside on corners ... e.g. the words on the right side are not straight.
 14 May 2018, 21:25
Martin Oostrom
I like "quality first" on your build 😄
 14 May 2018, 21:43
Alec K
Where are the wings???😉. Nice job, wood grain sim is awesome 👍
 15 May 2018, 12:55
bughunter Autor
Martin, but on the right side "QUALITY" is not straight. I hope that this is not a bad sign!
Alec, there is even a second project without rigging, but at least with small wings😉 I find it still easier to do wood grain with oils, but I do not like the long hardening times, so I used acryl here. Most of the wooden parts will be well hidden.
 15 May 2018, 18:03
Bernhard Schrock
Großartig und sehr erfrischend. Passt zeitlich zu deinen übrigen Fliegern🙂 mehr davon. Hab übrigens entdeckt, dass du die Postkutsche von Amati als "fertig" gemeldet hast. Pictures? Im Modellboard sehr interresiert die Bausatzvorstellung gelesen.
 18 May 2018, 03:41
bughunter Autor
Danke Bernhard, Dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl. Hier ist die Galerie der Kutsche:
Wells Fargo Stage Coach | Album by bughunter (1:10)
Habe dort auch zum Baubericht im MB verlinkt.
 27 May 2018, 19:43
Martin Oostrom
Hi Bughunter. The signs were handpainted back in the day. I guess the right side was painted on a monday morning, with the painter a bit hungover 😉
 27 May 2018, 20:40
bughunter Autor
After finishing the "Daisy cutter" dio I found some time to continue the work on this project.
 24 June 2018, 17:51
Alec K
The headlamps do look great...😢
 25 June 2018, 01:09
bughunter Autor
Thank you Alec. But I have to say a lot of small parts needs to be prepared now, and they need a lot of cleanup 🙁
 25 June 2018, 19:24
bughunter Autor
Some parts are mounted, light and signaling devices still missing.
 1 July 2018, 20:47
bughunter Autor
The Blechliesel" is finished. Last WIP pictures added, and a new gallery of the finished car.
 3 July 2018, 21:04
Tom Ballhoff
Da hast Du ja mal wieder ein echtes Sahnestück auf die Räder gestellt.
 3 July 2018, 21:50
bughunter Autor
Danke Tom!
 4 July 2018, 15:26
Bernhard Schrock
Schließe mich Tom an: ein Juwel.
 7 July 2018, 05:29
Roland Sachsenhofer
Wunderbare Arbeit! Das Bild von der "Hupe" illustriert Deine saubere und überlegene Arbeitsweise gut- toll gemacht!
 7 July 2018, 10:46
bughunter Autor
Danke! Lob von solchen Experten wie Euch geht runter wie Öl 🙂
 21 July 2018, 22:10

Project info

53 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:24 Model T 1912 Light Delivery Car (ICM 24008)

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