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Es-haq Khosravi (Essi)

My newest PE set for Hobbyboss 1.72 F-5E

Photo 1 of 15


12 July 2018, 13:45
Christian Ristits
 12 July 2018, 17:55
Mohammad Adl
Great job Es-haq 👍
 12 July 2018, 18:53
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
Thank you friends! 🙂
 13 July 2018, 10:28
Łukasz Gliński
This is awesome, how do I get one? 🙂
 13 July 2018, 10:50
Dave Flitton
Nice - My F-5s would appreciate them
 13 July 2018, 11:37
Soeren R.
looks fantastic
 13 July 2018, 11:46
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
Thank you friends! 🙂
I just thought Hobbyboss' F-5E is too simple and needs some tune up, so I made this set 🙂
@Łukasz I would post worldwide. Payment is possible via PayPal.
 13 July 2018, 14:56
instructions say that the kit is 1:71, instead of 1:72
 26 September 2018, 12:40
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
It's been fixed mate! 🙂
 26 September 2018, 12:42
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
Instruction Sheet is added!
 26 September 2018, 12:44
 26 September 2018, 15:11
Fantastic set!
 26 September 2018, 20:07
Jiri Vybihal
Nice set! Do you think it would fit also for Revell kit? F-5B?
 27 September 2018, 06:24
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
@Jiri: Tnx mate! I have to test the parts, not sure yet.
 27 September 2018, 07:48
Choppa Nutta
great effort to make this as a kit upgrade !!
I hope you sell many !! 🙂
Btw thought I recognised that logo 😉 😄
 27 September 2018, 10:05
Holger Kranich
Looks like a very Handy set for the average skilled modeler. Just cool, Essi!

Who made that Logo? Looks like a fart in the wind... 😉;);)
 27 September 2018, 10:12
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
@Choppa, Thank you Choppa 🙂
I never forget your advice about the importance of the logo 🙂
 27 September 2018, 13:16
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
@Holger, Thank you Holger, Yeah, I always try to keep the design easy to use, I don't like much glue and soldering 😄
About the logo, I designed the base, but Chppa gave me some useful hints, Does it look that bad?!! 🙂)
 27 September 2018, 13:17
Łukasz Gliński
Nah, it looks great, don't listen to them 😛
 27 September 2018, 13:22
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
@Lukasz, Haha, I hope so! 😄
 27 September 2018, 13:46
Choppa Nutta
The Logo looks fine bud, it's easy to read and identify, clear to its purpose and looks quite professional, much better than many logos out there that is for sure !! 🙂
I'm quite sure Holly is just teasing, he does have quite a quirky sense of humour that I find endearing 🙂
 27 September 2018, 14:14
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
Haha, Nice to know that Choppa! Thank you for making it clear! 😛
 27 September 2018, 14:23
Choppa Nutta
I've got to say though that if Holly thinks that what a fart looks like I reckon the back of his pants might look like it's filled with "potatoes" so to speak given just how chunky said fart looks like haha 😄
 27 September 2018, 14:36
Greg Baker
I have no idea what you guys are talking about... the logo looks great and the PE set even better. Sign me up for one!
 27 September 2018, 14:41
Choppa Nutta
just a bit of banter Greg 🙂
 27 September 2018, 15:11
Greg Baker
OOOoh. Well, I never engage in banter... it messes up my hair.
 27 September 2018, 15:15
Choppa Nutta
You've got hair ???
.... well I never !!
 27 September 2018, 15:30
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
 27 September 2018, 19:30
Holger Kranich
Ahh, how nice to be back with all of you blo***, f***** *** ****** **! 😄 😄 Yes for sure i was just teasing! 😉
 28 September 2018, 06:50
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
Always nice to hear from you Holy 🙂
 28 September 2018, 09:20
Holger Kranich
The pleasure is on my side, Essi!
 28 September 2018, 10:10
Choppa Nutta
ah what a beautiful moment !!
Group hug everyone ? 😄 😄 😄
 28 September 2018, 11:04
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
Haha, Sure! 😛
 28 September 2018, 11:18
Es-haq Khosravi Autor
This set could be ordered directly from here, just send me a pm.
 4 October 2018, 13:03

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Price: $5
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