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Angel Yovtshev (ayovtshev)

Bulgarian Tanks:CV 3/33 with interior;Бойна кола Фиат-Ансалдо


2 20 July 2018, 08:43
Rui S
Looking good. Obviously I'm in 👍
 20 July 2018, 08:54
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks Rui!
The kit is excellent, but I found a technical description that shows some interior parts omited, so I'll add some scratchbuild bits.
 20 July 2018, 10:04
Rui S
heheh as usual, of course you will.😉
 20 July 2018, 20:27
Angel Yovtshev Autor
It is the AMS, I think, why I cannot build even one kit OOB...
 21 July 2018, 11:54
 23 July 2018, 02:55
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks, Lost_Erik!
 23 July 2018, 06:25

Project info

15 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 CV3/33 Tankette Serie II (Bronco CB35125)

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