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Chris Greathouse (chrisagreat)

Project 019 -- Chevrolet Corvette C7.R


1 21 September 2018, 19:04
Bob Hall
Looking Good ! I have The C-5R in my stash if you need for a competitor ?
 26 September 2018, 04:32
Chris Greathouse Autor
By all means, go for it, I'd love to see but I build for fun and my builds are far from perfect. Have fun with the build 🙂
 26 September 2018, 23:34
Bob Hall
Oh,I'll never get around to it,more of a Ford man myself. If i have anything in my stash your interested in for trade,barter or what not,let me know. Not many of us car guys on here. LOL !
 27 September 2018, 00:33
Chris Greathouse Autor
Holy smokes, your stash says 328 vehicles... is that really true, you have that many on hand?? how?/why?/etc... lol I was getting 'giddy' looking at my stash of 7 cars on the shelf... but wow
 27 September 2018, 00:39
Bob Hall
About 420 or so,multiple on some.Just let me know what your looking for.
 27 September 2018, 02:12
Chris Greathouse Autor
whoa, to think someone has that many... how did you amass them all?
 27 September 2018, 05:55
Bob Hall
just years of collecting
 27 September 2018, 06:17
Bob Hall
That came out good ! very nice work !!!!!!!!!!!
 6 October 2018, 04:09
Chris Greathouse Autor
Adding pics with my photo booth, this was my 19th build...
 29 January 2019, 02:17
Christian W
I like the describtions in the pictures. Well done! The Corvette looks good to. I'm not such a fan of the panel lining with black. The contrast is to hard on my point of view. What's wrong with the right rear wheel?
 2 July 2019, 12:10
Tim Heimer
Wow, I missed this one!
 2 July 2019, 12:18
Chris Greathouse Autor
I am learning more about panel lining, and am getting better at it. The right rear wheel wouldn't push onto the axle all the way. and thanks guys!
 2 July 2019, 17:24
Slavo Hazucha
How nice, I always root for the yellow Corvette at LeMans! Great car, top build 👍...
 2 July 2019, 17:43
Chris Greathouse Autor
Thanks Slavo!
 2 July 2019, 17:45
Christian W
Did you try to shorten the part of the inner rim, where the axle goes in? Or the axle itself? I didn't check my kit, how it is constructed.
 2 July 2019, 20:14
Chris Greathouse Autor
I didn't think about that at the time. I don't remember how it's constructed, the wheel is glued in.
 2 July 2019, 20:20
Christian W
The positive effect: I have to take care of it when it comes to the day, my C7R goes on the workbench. I'll keep that in mind.
 2 July 2019, 20:36

Project info

17 zdjęć/zdjęcia
View Project
1:25 Chevrolet Corvette C7.R (Revell 85-4304)
Chevrolet Corvette C7.R
Corvette Racing 4 (Oliver Gavin/Tommy Milner/Marcel Fässler)
Styczeń 2016 24 Hours of Daytona - Daytona International Speeedway, FL US (Result: 1st in GTLM)

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