Mobile Compressor Station 8G33U
3 14 October 2018, 05:32

Спасибо, Дмитрий!
It won't come close to your masterpieces-still a lot to learn...
14 October 2018, 10:49

I'm sure when you finish this compressor truck it will be great model.
14 October 2018, 20:23

Thanks Dmitri, Spanjaard and Bart!
It's pitty I can work on this project only during weekends...
15 October 2018, 10:20

Just wonderful! What were you talking about masterpieces 🙂 ?
29 October 2018, 09:52

Thanks Bart and Dmitri!
Glad you like my work,mates!
I was talking about your masterpieces,Dmitri!
Have still a lot to learn/build to get close to your level of scratchbuilding.And finishing!
29 October 2018, 12:02

Angel, you are underestimating your skills 🙂. To me your level is much higher. I enjoy looking your work progress.
29 October 2018, 18:48

Thanks,Neuling! I hope I'll finish this project's construction phase by the end of this month
17 November 2018, 09:31

Thanks,Olly! I can only use the gives even less-just 4 days...
Not a big problem though, providing I finally receive the already overdue Eduard PE set.
17 November 2018, 12:02

Now even more impressing unit 🙂 One weekend one masterpiece😉
18 November 2018, 22:08

Thanks again, Dmitri!
And thanks, Alexander G!
The Oxygen-Water-Chiller was the last big piece of 8G33U compressor to be build.
Unfortunately I need the DioArt Various Dials to start working on the upper control panel- I cannot drill the holes for the dials unless I can measure their diameter...I ordered the set 10 days ago, but it comes from Down Under, so still waiting.I am hoping it might arrive for next weekend's scratchbuild session.
Or at least the Eduard set for the ZiL-157...
19 November 2018, 07:09

If so, then I'll consider it a Christmas gift,Olly!
There is always a bright side😉
19 November 2018, 07:50

Bart and Björn-thanks for your kind comments!
Building this chiller/compressor/truck was -and still is- pure pleasure for me 🙂
19 November 2018, 11:45

Thanks David!The Eduard PE set finally arrived so I'll be busy this weekend😉
23 November 2018, 08:05

Thanks Dmitri!
ZiL-157( or Джуган as it is known in Bulgaria) is one of my favorit Soviet trucks and I hope this is reflected in my build.
3 December 2018, 11:21

It does. No doubt. I remember first time I've seen ZIL157 as a kid in late 80's and I absolutely fell in love with it, because it looks so much like kraz 255 but older and rounder and pretier at some point, at least I thought so at the moment. But these two trucks are still my favorites.
3 December 2018, 21:07

Somehow I am thinking "home brewery" or perhaps "mobile brewery". 🙂
11 December 2018, 15:13

did I already mention this is a stunning project? I'll take my hat off, and bow knee-deep in awe... superb work ...
11 December 2018, 15:16

"Treehugger Somehow I am thinking "home brewery" or perhaps "mobile brewery". 🙂" - get this man a beer, brilliance deserves it 😛
12 December 2018, 18:16

I can't believe in what I'm looking at. What a great model . Don't know how I missed this incredible work 👍
24 January 2019, 23:03

Thanks Bart! Scratchbuilding is a learning curve so I try to get to the next level with every new project.
25 January 2019, 08:36

Angel, if you reach the highest level too soon, you will lose us far behind...
25 January 2019, 08:42

Thanks Olly!And nope.
Climbing the next level is a team experience and he who walks too fast is the first to fall down😉
Thanks too, Neuling! It was a project full of dedication and modelling fun.
26 January 2019, 11:31

Thanks Thomas! I might put it into a modelling competition, we'll see!
2 February 2019, 15:14

Thanks Michał!
The compressor-apart from the engine- was scratchbuild.
The engine was converted from MiniArt's Ya-12 kits engine(from Detroit Diesel 4-71 to it's Soviet copy YAZ 204).
If you take a look at the pictures in the album, you can follow the entire build from its very begining.
23 September 2019, 08:37

Thx for replay. I checked older pictures. Great job. Impressive.
23 September 2019, 08:41

Thank you, Oracle Neuling!
I just remembered your comment from:
2. February at 17:14:48 »
Neuling: Good luck! You shure deserve a price!
25 September 2019, 17:24