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2 12 December 2018, 00:18

Alright, as requested. Not even sure when I did this one, but its likely been about a year or so. It was a quicky in between build thing. I kind of like these 144 Minicraft cargo plane kits. They have a wide variety of subjects. They arent overly complicated and look the part. Not the best fit ever, but nothing horrid. I have a couple 121 versions and the 130 J super Herc in the stash yet to do. I want to get the 1/72 kit of this plane as well.
As for this kit, main thing, PUT WEIGHT IN THE NOSE! They fail to tell you that, and as you can see from the clear sprue prop I had to add to the ass, it is needed. And dont bother trying to mask the windows. Unless you are a masochist. I did. With liquid mask. And when I removed the mask, the frame work is so thin the paint didnt hold well and half it pulled off. So I used the decal anyway.
12 December 2018, 00:28

That is crazy looking. Love it. Looks like something out of Captain America...
12 December 2018, 04:28

It was introduced to service in 1947 and flew in some form or another until 78. It took part in the Berlin Airlift and served primarily as a tanker in later years. It IS an odd looking plane, but that makes it all the more interesting.
12 December 2018, 04:36

My first instinct when I saw it was that it was Russian/Soviet... then I saw the decals... oops.
12 December 2018, 04:39

Thanks for the album Donald. Whenever I start my 1/72 KC-97, we'll have to talk shop 😉
12 December 2018, 06:37

For some reason the images got broken. Had to re upload them.
1 September 2019, 03:01

1:144 scale using the KC-97L as a base. I also have a Stratocruiser airliner I'll probably build at the same time.
5 September 2019, 01:14

Thats appropriate since they really were modified KCs. I look forward to seeing those builds!
5 September 2019, 03:09