1 2 January 2019, 10:57

impressive vehicle, clean build too... how will yu display it, with the bridge extended?
8 January 2019, 10:07

Looks good so far. I also had this kit on my wishlist, but in the end refrained from buying it because of a review which said the bridge is of minor quality. Is this true?
8 January 2019, 10:15

Yes that's true. The parts of the bridge and the loading mechanism are not that high than the M48 itself. Also the plastic seems to be different (much harder), poor details and fitting is far away of the high standard of the M48 itself. If I had knew that before - I wouldn't have bought it.
8 January 2019, 10:43

Not yet sure how to dispaly it. Will decide it when the bridge is finished and I'll know the space needed for the whole thing 🙂
8 January 2019, 10:44

Thank you Michael. Carry on! I am coping with a similar problem while building the "Diamond Wrecker" (Mirror Models). It shure is a good kit, but the plastic material does not glue firmly, so I have to add aditional structures and use instant glue to stabilize the build.
8 January 2019, 14:46

Nice kit...built the same bridgelayer on a Centurion in full scratch...including the bridge. Looking forward how this one is detailed. So i will stay tuned in...
8 January 2019, 15:35

Cancelled? Sad news. Your build is farther along than mine and looks very good so far. The launcher needed slot of work. Seam lines need significant work. What are you doing with your cancelled project?
19 March 2020, 11:12

Why cancelled? Sad to hear, the build went good so far as i can see on the pictures...ok, details on the launcher are poor, but do the originals have more??
19 March 2020, 12:23