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Angel Yovtshev (ayovtshev)

"Krali Marko" Line Pilbox(Pz.IV with ZiS-3 Gun)


1 26 January 2019, 10:08
Bart Goesaert
Interesting conversion. Following with interest
 26 January 2019, 10:56
Rui S
Another diferent & interesting model. Very nice as usual 👍 Do you prefer to present it, as in the museum?
 26 January 2019, 11:04
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks Bart!
And thanks Rui! Yes, my intention is to model the restored vehicle.
 26 January 2019, 11:25
Stefan Schneider
Nice subject! Looking forward to the final result.
 26 January 2019, 17:51
Strange mixture of two efficient machines. I am sure it can have no better embalmer than you, Angel.
 26 January 2019, 18:27
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks Stefan!

And thanks Olly!
Not quite strange if one considers:
- the conditions of the organic Pz.IV guns(already worned out and at the end of their life expectancy) and low stock/impossible replenishment of Pz.Granaten back in the 1950's- on one side, and
-the abundance of ZiS-3 guns and ammo the Army had, on the other side.
The mixture was a rational solution, that enabled bulding a bit more "pileboxes" back then, instead of simply adding some ex-Pz.IV steel to the output of steel works.
 27 January 2019, 20:15
Rui S
Well done as usual, Angel, and fast also😢
 2 February 2019, 15:13
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks Rui!
Yeah- 4 days for cutting the excess, 2 days for construction and 1 day for painting and weathering 🙂
The asphalt painting was done by a friend of mine(Kalin Merodijski).
 2 February 2019, 15:17
Bart Goesaert
Nice and intriguing subject, very well executed...
 3 February 2019, 12:25
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks Bart!
It was a small-but funny-project 🙂
 5 February 2019, 17:36

Project info

17 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 Panzer IV Ausf. H (Academy 13233)

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