Henschel 33D1 with Pontonwagen(Pf.11)/Gerät B
1 17 February 2019, 14:23

Rui,Joerg and Peter-thanks, mates!
Next I'll assemble the frame-once I receive my 1-2-3 blocks(to help keep members square while gluing).
18 February 2019, 17:45

It looks very different from the one I started some months ago. Must be the famous Angel touch ...
12 April 2019, 08:35

looking very good... Part has a very extensive upgrade set for this one...
12 April 2019, 09:20

Thanks Olly!
I love detailing trucks.Learn a lot while doing research and building the parts.Which is good for my brain😉
Thanks Bart!
I've seen it but pricing is quite prohibitive(all three parts of Part's PE cost three times the kit itself)...
Then I'm building Bulgarian vehicle and it had some differencies to the standard German Henschel 33D1, which means a lot of PE for the spare parts bin.
Mine is already quite full😉
I've finished detailing the driver cab and will start working on its canvas frame.
My intention is to have it retracted-like in a hot summer day.
Not much can be found about the canvas frame of the "offenes Einheitsfuehrerhaus", so I'll work from a selection of pictures of various trucks that have it(brain fitness again).
13 April 2019, 10:14

Didn't find what you need, but I'm Hopping this photos in the MT album, can help you in any way (if they are on time):
17 April 2019, 16:17

Thanks Rui!
Nice addition to your great refference collection!
I was aware of some of the photos-but not of others (like the Krupp L3H163 truck crossing into Bulgaria at Nikopol in March 1941).
I've built my canvas and will post some pictures soon.
17 April 2019, 16:32

Yah, I thought I was late already but nevertheless I´ve just posted some walkarround photos too 🙂
There is also a photo with a Krupp Protze in the same bridge do you know it?
17 April 2019, 16:44

Wow, Peter!
Thanks for these very kind words!!!
My "fan" club is here, on Scalemates(the right place to be).
You are already in! 🙂
Thanls again, mate!
20 April 2019, 11:30

Angel, what paint did you use for the Henschel ? Some kind of beige khaki ?
23 April 2019, 00:21

I don't have a plan of Pf.11, but I do have the Bulgarian Manual for Geraet B(from 1943), which is a 100% true copy of H.Dv. 220/3b, and also another Bulgarian Manual, that is a copy of H.Dv. 220/3a "Fahren auf dem Wasser".
Both Manuals offer some dimensions and nice description of both bridge-building materials and trailers.
I work with these dimensions, use a selection of pictures and some calcuations.
I'll post soon some pictures of the drawings I do as the build progresses.
I used Tamiya's German Gray(XF-63) for the basecollor and Tamiya's RLM Grey(XF-22) for the canvas.
But-the lighting I use when taking pictures, makes the collor lighter than it is in reality.
23 April 2019, 06:28

Cool, love the look of the raft, it actually looks like real rubber.👍
23 April 2019, 11:00

You're welcome, Joerg!
Thanks Michael!
The look comes from the splendid Tamiya Rubber Black paint(XF-85).
23 April 2019, 11:15

Funny coincidence, I just started the very same vehicle yesterday! Yours looks nicely done, love the enhancements you did.
23 April 2019, 18:24

Thanks H K!
And thanks Alex!
I advice you to reinforce both rear axles with some brass tubing or wire.This will prevent axles breaking at the point where the tires are glued(happened 3 out of 4 possible times during my build).
23 April 2019, 18:38

Its jaw dropping to see you build a truck engine that could make an interesting model on its own, not to mention the truck its placed in. Some very inspiring work Angel! What method of painting do you use to make the steering wheel look so convincingly worn wood like?
23 April 2019, 20:05

Thanks James and Lenny!
To your question, Lenny:
1. I use Tamiya's Dark Yellow(XF-63) as a basecolour, once dry,
2. I add some dark grain with a worn out paintbrush(I use AK's Dark Grain Wood, but any dark brown colour will do the job), once dry- and it has to dry reasonable well,
3. I apply water-diluted Tamiya's Clear Orange(X-26) with a paint brush and then tap on different places with undiluted Clear Orange.
You can skip step 2- I skipped it in the steering wheel IIRC - for smaller surfaces.
23 April 2019, 20:57

Angel, you should write a 'cooking book' about your methods. You would sell tons of it. I would be the first buyer.
24 April 2019, 12:31

Thanks Olly!
The truth is- I found this "recipe" 2 years ago on the web 🙂
24 April 2019, 13:09

Well sharing knowledge is probably equally important as creating it. So thank you for sharing it Angel, I'll try it as soon as I can get my hands on a jar of clear orange.
25 April 2019, 07:35

Thanks Alec!
Actually, my participation in this contest was "awarded" even before evaluation by judges started- for I went to Svishtov and touched, smelled, crawled over/under the real Pontonwagen(Pf.11), preserved there...
And took plenty of photos of some quite interresting objects😉
23 September 2019, 10:54